First M rated mainline Final Fantasy

>First M rated mainline Final Fantasy
>Made by a competent team including a good action game designer
>No CGI trailer giving us an inaccurate representation of the game like XV
>Worked on the game for a decent amount of time before revealing it
Are you willing to trust Square this time?

Attached: FFXVI_Cover_Art.png (896x1120, 517.58K)


not yet, square higher ups can still intervene and fuck up the game like FF12.

Attached: FFXV.webm (614x346, 1.52M)

Attached: 14245709.webm (900x506, 2.88M)

>First M rated mainline Final Fantasy
>Made by a competent team including a good action game designer
You can't just take people who have worked on good games, mash them together, and expect a masterpiece. Their competence as a team will be decided with this, their first game together as a team.
>No CGI trailer giving us an inaccurate representation
I still don't have an accurate representation of gameplay unless the whole game is going to be over the top gameplay. If that is the case, it doesn't fit the setting and will be shit. I mean, we are comparing this to a game where a strategy to take up a turn is to throw a damn rock...
>Worked on the game for a decent amount of time before revealing it
All this means is that we have less time to wait and find out if its shit or not.
>Are you willing to trust Square this time?
Trust? No. Keep an open mind? Maybe.

>first M rated FF

Attached: x.jpg (294x387, 23.59K)

>PAL style final fantasy covers return

Please let this happen.

>square higher ups can still intervene and fuck up the game like FF12
What did they do to 12?

>First M rated mainline Final Fantasy
blood doesn't make a game good
>Made by a competent team including a good action game designer
he was a recent hire, the rest of the team are mmo hacks who've never made a singleplayer game
>No CGI trailer giving us an inaccurate representation of the game like XV
no budget for a cgi trailer since this is an asset flip
>Worked on the game for a decent amount of time before revealing it
still looks like shit

the entire structure of the story was changed, and who knows what else. The game in a mess in many ways gameplay wise as well, to the point where its systems needed to be changed over the course of multiple re-releases to even make it functional.

Matsuno left as a result of SE's meddling with 12 and only ever came back because the FF14 team sucks his dick (16 is largely inspired by vagrant story)

>If that is the case, it doesn't fit the setting

Attached: 23311.png (255x198, 5.1K)

Here fill that empty space with your desperate (You)

It may as well have nothing to do with square.
Square is the company that owns the groups that make these games. It's not Square. Square isnt one fucking person. This game is made by different people. Therefor there's no reason to think that it will go the same as it has been.

I'll play it 6 months later on PC. Hopefully by then abysmal sales on PS5 will make them learn not to do timed exclusives.

I think it looks cool

>still looks like shit

Attached: 5133842130.png (1647x930, 1.28M)

What did they mess with in the story?

Looks good to me.

Attached: VersusXIII&XVI.jpg (2436x1550, 494.45K)

I'd probably consider buying it early if the combat looked more down to earth instead of flashy shit. Also being timed exclusive to PS5 means I can't buy it early anyway. Why is a Jap developer doing timed exclusives with the only system that is Anti-Jap right now?

Vaan wasn't supposed to be the main character

ones in game footage the others a cinematic...

I hope they do something like FFXV Royal Edition for the final cover. Amano art is really good used as key art.

It was an early on decision to make the main character have nothing to do with the story. It was due to shitty Jap tastes that Vaan became that person.

>6 months later
>he actually believes thusa

>cgi scenes that are not even in the final release
>actual gameplay footage

>those copy pasted soldiers in the back- same model same pose


Sony has always been the second main console (after Nintendo) in japan. And Nintendo can't even run ff after the ps2 era before blowing up.

fake, post the real one.

Attached: 1600684581813.jpg (1172x1500, 497.61K)

Attached: final-fantasy-x-front-cover-of-box-artwork-ps2.jpg (1200x1697, 1.02M)

>acting as if XV and any other existing game doesn't do the same
Hard cope

>Sony has always been the second main console
360 was bigger than the PS3 over there. If a simpler architecture is enough to get jap devs to focus on their system, absolute hatred and abuse from Sony should also be good enough. Its the reason Disgaea 6 isn't coming to Sony in the west.

The art direction seems questionable,same for the DMC gameplay.

They will reduce the violence to get a T rating. Square Enix will push hard for this and eventually succeed.