There's Literally Not A Single Game That WOULDN'T Be Better In First Person

Fighting games... sports games... RTS games... They'd literally all be so much better and more immersive in FP. If done right.
Scoring the winning goal in a soccer World Cup final? Lifting the trophy in first person? Being down at the player's eye level hearing the crowd, seeing chewed up grass, seeing a huge defender violently slide towards your legs out of the corner of your eye?
Scoring the knockout punch against Tyson and watching the sweat and blood spew towards you as he careened towards the canvass?
Performing a double backflip power kick and flawlessly executing a jump finisher in a high paced fighting game?
All so much better in FP... if done right.

Attached: chadpersonview.jpg (450x512, 70.33K)

Third person means less camera input necessary letting player focus on movement

no. there have been plenty of first person games that tried to take on third person genres and were proven to be inferior. zeno clash being one of them

>game has both
>everyone uses third-person because they can peek around corners without physically exposing their character

>he doesn't want to look at his cool armor set while playing
so long gay bowser

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>>Splinter cell: chaos theory multiplayer

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First person is the only reason why I'm not buying Cyberpunk 2077.

Not fighting games. You need to be able to easily see the space between you and your opponent. Getting the shit comboed/juggled out of you in first person also wouldn't look good.

this may be the weakest bait i've ever seen on this godforsaken website in 14 years
