Definitely my GOTY. How'd you other 5 who bought this game like it?
Definitely my GOTY. How'd you other 5 who bought this game like it?
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rent free
I loved it
I wished Ei didn't intervene
I like it. Shinonome is so cute.
how come no one ever posts gameplay. what is this vn trash
The Main Theme, Seaside Vacation, and the Last Battle BGM, 'EDGE OF THE FUTURE'.
Those 3 songs are still stuck in my head.
Such an engrossing game. The wait was well worth it.
vn is the best genre
Fuccking loved it, the only character i really didn't like was Ryoko "ida-sensei i'll do anything for you because i'm a dumb bitch craving your dick" Shinonome.
What susrprised me the most were the 10k maps you unlock after completing the game. It has so much more gameplay than the people calling it a simple VN think it has. The story was also pretty great, the cockpit twist was damn clever
that last mission though
>objective: survive
Pure kino
meant for
still early in the game, liking the characters
Not a real game. Go back.
Spent my $70 on Crash. I'll probably get it on nigger friday if it comes down in price.
Good luck, vanillaware games tend to have small numbers of printed copies
Loved it as well. For how great it already is it's kind of hard to think about how it's actually sort of abridged from the long dev process. You can sort of see that in how Tamao is used in the story and how Sentinel #18 is notably absent. Or how you never get any answers concerning how Yuki got her switch or what Megumi meant when she said Ei wanted her to shoot him.
I think it would have been alot more popular if it wasn't an exclusive and was marketed better. ZEfags and DRfags would have ate this shit up if they tried to appeal to them.
Why is there no Sentinel 18 again? I forget what happened to it or what they did to the Tamao in Sector 5
>ZEfags and DRfags would have ate this shit up if they tried to appeal to them.
and it's a good thing they didn't
I'm only a couple hours past the opening section, but it's hard to follow the story and so far the combat is basically, "attack the closest enemy with whoever is ready and you win". It's pretty, though.
Unfortunate that they had to go the route of a genre I simply don't like playing.
I love Odin Sphere and Dragon's Crown. I hope they make another action combat game like those soon.
Honestly, would do anything for a full Dragon's Crown sequel with more content and an actual community. Never gonna happen tho.
There isn't any. The whole game is running around talking to people
Oh shut the fuck up, you obviuously haven't this game. Why is Zig Forums so obsessed with shitposting at stuff they know nothing about?
>Honestly, would do anything for a full Dragon's Crown sequel with more content and an actual community. Never gonna happen tho.
Same. It's the only beat-em-up that comes close to Chronicles of Mystara.
Absolutely loved it, still need time to chew over whether or not its vanillaware's best but it's definitely up
Ogata best boy
It's true. The little menu simulator that's supposed to be the 'battle system' is pathetic
>It's true.
no it's not
>"The little menu simulator that's supposed to be the 'battle system' is pathetic"
Oh, so you are just retarded
NTR garbage.
How can the there be such contrast between peoples reviews of this game. Some people are saying its the game of the years and others are saying its pure shit. Have no idea if i should buy it or not
Its shitposters
I've only done the first out-of-tutorial fight & only just unlocked Tomi in remembrance, but I can already say that Miwako Sawatari is best girl.
>but I can already say that Miwako Sawatari is best girl.
those delicious meaty thighs