Effecting Mass
Mass Effect
Now that tranny jannies are BTFO, this is a how big are Liara's tits thread
Humanity first
I want Liara's BIG FAT BLUEBERRY COCK right fucking now
I want to replay the trilogy but ME3 never goes on sale on Steam and I'm wondering if I should just wait for the rumored remaster.
I am. Wanted to do a replay recently, but banking on the remaster.
For me, it's Chakwas
36 C
Healthy D's when Shep gets her preggers with BHC
i miss /meg/
Autismal waifu loving shouldn't be missed.
Miranda can't breed
>breeding Michael Jackson
it'll be back when the remasters officially show up
2010 Zig Forums was a magical place.
>Remaster delayed until 2021
What are the chances of there being trilogy ending changes/additions?
Here's her ME1 and ME3 models. She definitely got an upgrade from the first game.
Anything to make a ME4 with Shephard more viable would make me tremendously erect.
I highly doubt the remasters will be anything like RE2/3 or Mafia, it's going to be similar to the CnC/RA1 remaster where they just upped the textures and added some stuff to make it playable for 2020.
Since this is EA and it's 2020 I can even see them toning down the sexual content and fanservice.
Is she actually canonically sterile? I don't remember her saying anything related to this.
Check her SB dossier, she's barren.
i would post her BBC bulge but mods ban me for getting them horny
>Post ITT if you wish Tali was your valentine.
No way her breasts are this large.
Even in her suit, they are like Ds, at most.
apparently there's huge boobs and bikini mods somewhere but i have no idea where to find them