Mass Effect

Effecting Mass

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Now that tranny jannies are BTFO, this is a how big are Liara's tits thread

Humanity first

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I want Liara's BIG FAT BLUEBERRY COCK right fucking now

I want to replay the trilogy but ME3 never goes on sale on Steam and I'm wondering if I should just wait for the rumored remaster.

I am. Wanted to do a replay recently, but banking on the remaster.


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For me, it's Chakwas

36 C

Healthy D's when Shep gets her preggers with BHC

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i miss /meg/

Autismal waifu loving shouldn't be missed.

Miranda can't breed

>breeding Michael Jackson

it'll be back when the remasters officially show up

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2010 Zig Forums was a magical place.


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>Remaster delayed until 2021
What are the chances of there being trilogy ending changes/additions?


Here's her ME1 and ME3 models. She definitely got an upgrade from the first game.

Attached: liara body.jpg (1286x1080, 205.56K)

Anything to make a ME4 with Shephard more viable would make me tremendously erect.

I highly doubt the remasters will be anything like RE2/3 or Mafia, it's going to be similar to the CnC/RA1 remaster where they just upped the textures and added some stuff to make it playable for 2020.

Since this is EA and it's 2020 I can even see them toning down the sexual content and fanservice.


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Is she actually canonically sterile? I don't remember her saying anything related to this.

Check her SB dossier, she's barren.

i would post her BBC bulge but mods ban me for getting them horny

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>Post ITT if you wish Tali was your valentine.

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No way her breasts are this large.
Even in her suit, they are like Ds, at most.

apparently there's huge boobs and bikini mods somewhere but i have no idea where to find them

Attached: ME mod 2.webm (1920x1080, 2.12M)