Hello, Potion Seller

Hello, Potion Seller

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My potions are too strong for you, traveler.

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Shop level gating is bullshit.

The knight was in the right.

If I cannot buy a strong potion, even at low-level, that's bs.

is having high prices shop gating?

fuck you nigger merchant take my coin

Potion seller.
I am telling you, I am going into battle and I need only your strongest potions

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Fuck off, the Potion Seller knew how dangerous his potions were.
The Knight was in the wrong.

knight didnt meet the requirements to use the potion, it would be irresponsible of him to sell it. his potions are fit for dragons, not mere men

But what does he have to do to get his potions? Why won't he just trust him?

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You can't handle my potions, they're too strong for you.

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He's a competent potions seller, obviously he could tell.
One doesn't craft very strong potions for any random traveller.

Potion Seller is fucking stupid. If he sells him the potion he sells some potions and then the knight dies, and if he doesn't sell him the potion the knight will never come back anyway. The Knight should have gotten the potion, QED

Shut up faggot.
Potion seller knows his craft well, he knows how desperate the knight is, but he also sees his potential. He could provide his strongest potions but he’d be killed by their power, and he wisely advises the Knight they’re too strong for him.
Knight was in the wrong

In a perfect thread, anons like me would not exist...

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Of course he sees the potential in the knight, but it doesn't matter because the potion seller EVEN if the knight realizes that potential, the potion seller burned the bridge entirely. He could either have sold 1 potion or 0, so potion seller is being dumb

And why would he take the risk of advertising the strength of his potions by killing the knight, wasting valuable ingredients in the process?

But if the knight sought weaker potions and became strong over time himself, the potion seller could some day have a loyal customer.

Honestly this is a fair point. Perhaps I was thinking too in the short term. After all, if a stronger knight comes along the potion seller could get a recurring customer with good press. Okay well done, you've convinced me after many years. fuck the knight. Little bitch ass spoiled child.

why didn't potion seller just lie to the knight and instead give him a weaker potion for dragon potion price? i know it's scummy, but it has the possibility of the knight coming back after the battle for more potions.

>but this is not a perfect world

Selling the potion to the knight would've been like selling a gun to a person who you know is suicidal; highly irresponsible

And if he doesn't come back this damages his reputation, for if his well known strong potions do not provide the expected effect, why should anyone buy from him?

Incentive for the knight to come back when he's stronger.
Potion seller is testing the knight's resolve to continue training.

Granted I wonder if you could cheese it. Take a temp STR buff potion and then the potion seller's potion.

This is quite honestly epic.

>potion seller doesn't supply the knight with potions
>the knight goes off and ascends to godhood
>no longer has any need of potions

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What stumps me is how Potion Seller keeps his shop afloat by refusing to sell potions to common soldiers. Surely dragons are a rarity? And what need do they have of potions anyway? I think there's something not quite right with that potion seller.

I have thought long and hard about this:
The Knight is clearly a foolish man. He lacks confidence within his own abilities as a warrior and so is scrambling at the last minute to remedy his predicament. Why should the Potion Seller provide his services to one who has clearly shirked their responsiblities and training? A knight of all people should exemplify the tennants of chivalry, but yet here he stands completely admitting himself to be a complete sham, trodding over the very virtues he claims to uphold. And yet he has the gall to demand that a master craftsman provide such a service to a coward, all so that he can maintain his false honor?

On the other hand, the potion seller is a merchant by trade. For if he is no alchemist who hordes his tinctures, but a commercial seller of products. It is actually his job to sell his potions, and yet he has alienated himself from his customerbase by refusing to make potions that are effectively just poison. How does he intend to support himself when he refuses to allow others to purchase his goods? Moreover, should anyone ever have the misfortune of being allowed to buy something from him, they would merely die from the potion and provide no repeat business. It is contradictory to call someone who has taken up such an unreasonable stance anything remotely close to a "Potion Seller". For in order to have that title, one must actually sell potions.

Both are at fault here, both are flawed humans. Had they put aside their differences and were able to compromise, they could have resolved this matter amicably. However, they let their stubborness and pride overcome them, and are unable to come to terms.
And yet, these two are innately compelling. Perhaps it is because that we see a bit of ourselves reflected in the cowardly knight, or the stubborn potion maker. I believe this is why this tale of a simple dispute intrigues us so. It is so perfectly human.

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>The amount of autism, that went into this.
This is why I love Zig Forums.

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Potion seller, listen to me. I want only your strongest potions.

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