Why do the next gen of consoles (SnoyStation 5 and XSex) still lack DisplayPort outputs

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So will the next gen of video cards. What the fuck is your point?

Wdym the RTX 3080 has a DisplayPort output

No they don't, graphic cards since long time ago supported DP

OP, it's because they can only do 30hz/4k

Ah makes sense. Cheers user.

my HD 7970 has 2 fucking DP, the fuck you're talking about?

Because the normal person buying a console are playing it on a TV? Why don't we just make a $3000 system that still plays like shit yet has all the connections you can possibly have just to satisfy people like you?

Normalfags don't even understand that there are different types of HDMI yet

Normalfags eh. @ me when the next snoystation comes out with revolutionary "displayport" support

>put displayport on modern consoles
>normies don't press the release button down and try yanking it out causing the port to break

Because most TV's don't have a display port obviously

Implying monitors don't exist and aren't better for gaming. Makes sense that they'd stay away cuz of dat 30 fps tho

I can't tell if you are trying to insult me or not. I mean, I play on a monitor and have no plans to buy anything that comes out of Commiefornia, so...

>Putting a monitor in your living room

>he games in his living room and not in his mum's basement

I work all over the country, so my living room is a small 5th wheel living room. Why wouldn't I use a monitor? Its not like a 65" TV is great for traveling.

get an adapter or 2 for afew dollars like everyone else does

I hooked my PC up with these but I've been out of the game for so long I still don't know the difference between it and HDMI but fuck my PC looks good bros

tvs still don't use them

Monitors usually have 1 HDMI input anyway

I dont know why but TV use HDMI and PC uses HDMI. Only third world plebs would use HDMI to connect a computer monitor to a pc. No idea why this is but it do.

HDMI 2.0/2.1 will be sufficient for their needs.
Most Televisions don't support DisplayPort.

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>@ me
Fuck off

Consoles are for televisions, deal with this very simple fact, fat ass. You should also deal with the fact that HDMI has been making strides to provide a far more superior experience lately than ever before, one of which experiences includes BEING ABLE TO FUCKING HEAR SOUNDS. Get with the times, McDouble boy, nobody is going to waste their time with an entire Display Port configuration and all the inconveniences that comes with it.

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>OP, it's because they can only do 30hz/4k

most tvs dont use dp, simple as that

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Because audio

Oh boy, indie pixel art games can run at 60hz! Literally no system-selling killer apps will run above 30

Nice cope bro. I'll be screencapping your stupidity.

No audio.

Oh no, I hope I don't get embarrassed when you post a screenshot of some random imageboard shitposting as an epic "gotcha" when a single title ekes out 40fps

4K 60fps has been easily obtainable for years with HDMI.

oh yeah, everyone should just cater to YOUR needs. booo fucking hooo.

>already coping

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because most tv dont use dp and they really don't need too. hdmi caught up with a lot of stuff after 2.0 so they're both about the same now

Not the other user, and not asking anyone to cater to my needs. Just addressing your idiotic "putting a monitor in your living room" shit logic.