Would you say that this armor looks cool or ugly? I honestly can't tell, and I'm trying to decide between it or the soldier's armor.
Also BoTW thread I guess.
Would you say that this armor looks cool or ugly? I honestly can't tell, and I'm trying to decide between it or the soldier's armor.
Also BoTW thread I guess.
Soldier's armor for comparison.
armor looks pretty good, that helmet sucks dick tho
I think it's cool while also rugged/rough looking
but for me it's the tunic of the wild with the hylian hood
The helmet looks retarded but the rest looks decent
like this one more, not a fan of either helmet
I think the helmet and leotard underneath makes it looks ugly. The vah naboris helmet makes it look better.
I felt similarly about it but I eventually came around to thinking it was cool but that might just be because I'm used to it now. It's super interesting at the very least.
ugly and alien looking ancient tech but that's what makes it cool
very nicely designed
not very realistic though with the wrap-around shinguards, gauntlets and bodypiece but nobody cares
Why does BOTW Link look so fucking weird? it's like he has the body of a child. Maybe it's the legs, they're too short.
Opinions on this set?
Yo dat shit look like a DILDO!
I ain't tryna play my games with no DEEL-DOH!
>Fucking capris
Would've been a 9/10 otherwise.
The pants alone look cool, so just wear a different top and headgear than the guardian stuff. Screw set bonuses.
I never use the helmets on either of these sets, I use the diamond circlet with ancient, and amber earrings with the soldiers. But of the two, the soldiers helm looks better, almost like a sallet, but the goofy visor and plume ruins it for me.
Posting superior BoTW Link
the majority of armors in BotW look awful but I do like how looks, helmet could be a bit better though
ugly trash helmet but the armour itself is pretty cool
Isn't it supposed to come with a blue hood?
I wear the ancient pants along the Amber Earings and Champion's Tunic. Max defense while looking normal.
I love the Hylian set. It's the best set to mess around with the colors.
I usually wear the hylian shroud and the full knight set, can't find an in game image so here's some art
>that bow/hand positioning
I personally vouch for the Fierce Diety set since it gives Link a more muscular frame while looking quite good by itself.
>Not wearing the champion's tunic
It's super cool though. And it has a unique bonus. You also need it if for whatever reason you want to hit the 88 max defence.
Pretty cool, but the fanmade linkle version is superior, thank god it's actually useful so i'm not gimping myself for wearing it all the time.
>None of the cool facepaint that FD Link has
I always get a "Guns and Roses" vibe from this set. Must be the headband.
I just wore the special set for each region as needed and mostly champions tunic with hylian trousers.
Definitely ugly.
I'd give it a pass as "high level fiction overdersigned armor" if it wasn't for that bucket on the head.
Best in the game, bit style and function.
That's because im not wearing the helmet.
I fucking hate this piece of shit for how ugly it is and useful in certain situations at the same time.
>Best looks
>Most useless ability
>Most useless upgraded set bonus
>Worst defense out of any set in the game
What the FUCK were they thinking?!
it's for sex with the yiga clan
Body armour looks cool.
Helmet looks fucking stupid.
I love that helmet, especially with the voe armor. It makes Link look like a thunder deity.
>gives him a hitler stache, long flowing hair, and cool futuristic looking armor
it's fucking kino