This might be the worst game I ever played

This might be the worst game I ever played.

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then you haven't played much.

Best third person shooter of all time (MP2 is close second), and the fact that they transferred the system to GTA V partially still makes it the best GTA game.


Except GTA V's combat is piss poor compared to MP3.

Combat is miles ahead of other 3rd person shooters.
Story is actually good.
Game is not too short, not too long.
Multiplayer was fun.

>worst game

>and the fact that they transferred the system to GTA V partially still makes it the best GTA game.
I fucking wish dude

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Fuck this gta spin-off.

This desu.
I wish it didn't scare off the close minded Max Payne playerbase away because otherwise I would be playing MP3 multiplayer right fucking now

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he is wrong you little faggot fuck.

>mfw theres been so much love for the game on here lately I cant even tell if its just bait to have a thread about it or op is actually shitting on it
feels good mp3 bros

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>wtf a game called Max Payne is actually shitty gta-spinoff???
>bwaaah close minded max payne playerbase
Gtfo rockshit

Gee i sure love being shot by snipers and rpg users

face it, the mp was hot shit

>so much love for the game on here lately
What game isn't loved by nu-Zig Forums? Nu-Zig Forums loves Call of Duty, nu-Zig Forums loves Ubisoft games, nu-Zig Forums loves gacha, there isn't a single popular steaming pile of shit that isn't loved here.

Kill yourself

>that airport soundtrack

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>funny reaction pic
>le epic soundtrack
Back to plebit

dont know about your so called nu v, I dont see cod threads or ubisoft ones where people actually like their games, but mp3 is great and a literal zoomer filter, so I dont really get your point m8

I got this for preordering RDR2 on the rockstar launcher, Played through part of it before RDR2 released, and forgot all about it. The gameplay was pretty solid, but i just hated how every 10 steps you had a 5 minute long cutscene.

>but mp3 is great and a literal zoomer filter
Get a better taste

nah Im good, I play it once or twice every year and its always a blast, maybe you should do the same with a game you like, instead of acting like youre 10

MP3 with the carrying the two-hand weapon and holster for one hand was a stroke of genius you literal muppet. Shoe me three other quality 3ps that puts your not-in-use guns anywhere besides a pocket dimension or staticly fixed to your back

>replaying rockshit
>especially pile of shit that is michael payne 3
Gtfo rockshit shill

How can you shill for a nearly 10 year old game? I enjoy all the Max Payne games and 3 is no exception, gotta play through all of them back to back every couple years.
Pre-release all of Zig Forums was shitting on it and once it came out that stopped, for a while it was dormant but then these threads started popping up with fake appeal to nostalgia fags like you.

kek its literally the only rockstar game I replay regularly, stop being paranoid user
Im aware of every flaws of the game, it has many, but when it comes down to gameplay, theres no other shooter with the weight and impact of mp3, thats why I love playing it, it has the most satisfying shooting combat out there, as far as the more realistic style ones go

The only logical choice.

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>Story is actually good.
There's not a single memorable character in the game, how is the story good, retard?

it's not the game's fault that you have a potato brain and can't remember anything

Zig Forums is the shittest board.

there exists some parallel universe where GTA V implemented MP3's gunplay exactly.

it's the worst Max Payne by far(including the GBA port) but still a solid 8/10

I liked it. The cutscenes sucked. But I found it to be a game that I enjoyed. I wish they would make a 4th.

nincel cope

Dilate, mp3tranny.

It is still the best third person shooter gameplay of all time, no game matches the feel and weight, and theres ton of subtle emergent tricks and techniques you can use with the euphoria physics engine,
like diving into enemies to tie them up from firing at you while you shoot their buddies from the floor, or rolling through a group of enemies so that they end up shooting eachother, etc.
It also gets into almost puzzle territory the way you have to come up with different strategies for each “room” you progress through, thinking about the physicality of gun combat in the way you would in like Superhot.