Ps5 teardown BLUNDERS

>everyone will use ps5 without side-panels to keep it cool (like us pc animals remove side panel)

>its has large INEFFECTIVE laptop cooling

>design is years behind of SeX

>ssd is non removable

Attached: Sony-PlayStation-5-PS5-Teardown.jpg (1920x1080, 281.45K)

>(like us pc animals remove side panel)
No, we don't, retard. You're breaking airflow that way.

maybe on high end pc cases you are yes

Look at the heatsink, its fine
am i supposed to pretend this is a bad design? the whole thing is fucking huge, its not a laptop crammed into a small design

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Man, that thing is big


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Too hueg for me, I'm waiting for the slim

>>ssd is non removable
You can install an additional M.2 SSD though.

I already see people breaking it in two trying to put an additional ssd

>that panel flex
my god what a shitheap

Those tabs are going to break, hell I wouldn't be surprised if they break during transport.

Did they intentionally make it huge simply to make the PS5 Slim more desireable?

Nigger its removable plastic. Designed to be fucked with. Basically nothingburger addition.


ps5 could of been harvested for ssd like broken laptops are

>they did surgery on a PS5
>what the hell

All this seething, weeeew

Stop thinking goy

>SeX, with mandatory breaks every 2 hours.
american engineering, wew.

Imagine how many hours he practiced for that one edited shot. He still doesn't know where to get a firm grip on it without breaking off the fin.

Which one's huger, PS5 or OG Xbox?

PS5 is much larger.

PS5 by a noticeable margin. Even the PS3 was slightly larger than the Xbox HUEG. I mean, the hueg was big but the memes lost their relevancy a long time ago.

Oh no, it's not like there's people who know how to desolder stuff. Oh, wait, I know who.

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>desolder stuff.

we wanted to put ps5 ssd in pcs not other ps5s

i see so theres going to be custom side panels released, how much you think those will cost

Fuck me

>could of
tripfag AND retarded

Man, xshiils have been going into overdrive about cooling ever since it was found out that the bone sex is a furnace.

The nigger cuckbox vs the chad BAC

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>some reddit tranny actually an hero'd over this.

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anyone who buys launch consoles deserves every issue they have with the system. wait until its upgraded and rereleased a few years from now.

wait Lol can i get a QRD?

Im going to buy a PS5