Why did they make shotguns in this game so useless

Why did they make shotguns in this game so useless

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this game any good? desu i dropped the frist one not even a quarter way through it, got really boring

I'm the other way around. I found the first game pretty enjoyable but dropped this one quick out of boredom.

Play WD1. That one's good. And if you liked it, then play this one.

They made a 2? Wtf why is aiden black

its not aiden (aiden makes a single appearance in the game in a side quest)

He ain't, it's some different kid. And he's an autist, just like (You), because representation is the cool and woke thing to do these days in mass media.

>playing anything made by ubishit after 2013

Christ thats shit

Because you are not meant to use weapons.

It's explained in this 6 hours long analysis of the game

>San Francisco is the most progressive city in the world man
>We got VR
>We got technology
>We got AIDS patients

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The first has a decent atmosphere and story, but bad gameplay. The second is a better game all around, but has boring characters and an all too light-hearted story.

Marcus is semi decent, the problems are everyone else.

I played 2 first then tried 1. 1 is a lot more boring

>Aiden's returning again in WD Legion
>Nobody cares about the main WD2 guy so they're bringing back his sidekick instead.

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why do you play shit games?

I believe Marcus will be one of the unique heroes. Among other things, he should be of the right age now. In WD2 he was just a kid.

I still hope that in Legion they have improved driving.

>I believe Marcus will be one of the unique heroes.
Nah they already confirmed the 4 heroes
Aiden from WD1, Wrench from WD2, Mina (who has superhuman abilities like possessing people) and Darcy (A member of the Assassins)
>In WD2 he was just a kid.
Marcus was 24 in WD2.

>Darcy (A member of the Assassins)
AC/WD same universe confirmed? About time they got around to it. Everyone knew since Watch Dogs 1 when Aiden killed an Abstergo official.

>AC/WD same universe confirmed?
Yep. Ubisoft even said it was a crossover.
Although it does raise some questions regarding the Ubisoft building in WD2.

one of the best open world maps ever made

We wuz hackers n shiet!!

Well, seem like they have changed their plans.
Where is my For Honor cyborg knight?

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I thought the first one was dogshit. But I had a blast with this one. I also didn't kill anyone, save for that Wrench mission.

>I thought the first one was dogshit.

it wasn't that great, but then I found out I played it in wrong way.


Actually it's not that easy to play that way. These are just stunts that 10 times out of 15 will have gone wrong

>Actually it's not that easy to play that way. These are just stunts that 10 times out of 15 will have gone wrong
That's what I thought. It's like developers showing off gameplay, and the person playing, plays like literally no one else does. SC: Conviction will look like john wick kino if edited right.

It's a decent game that I probably got bored with around the 3/4th mark. But the lethal weapons are such a disconnect with the tone of the game

Is that video supposed to not look like dogshit to non-autists?

Remote controlling other people's vehicles in 2 was fun. Sending bikes off cliffs or into the sea was great.

Fuck bikers

>HURRR HURR look at me.
>I am so cynical and badass.

Okey sure, but the point was something else. The first game is pretty crude

The first game is dogshit and that video makes it look like dogshit, which it is.

But these 4 characters are available immediately for those who bought a special edition or do I still have to wait months to be able to play with Aiden?

Yes, it's actually true.
The point is that no player generally plays in that way. The game, as bad as it was, could offer some fun stuff.

Yeah the story wants you to be lighthearted pranksters, but absolutely nothing is congruent with this in the game. WD2 is my prime example of bad story and characters genuinely being able to ruin a decent game. I also found the level design worse, like they expected increased self-contained player options to simply carry the levels rather than place usables, props and recon opportunities intelligently to present options to the player at the same level as the first game. It doesn't feel as good to cleanly clear areas anymore.