do you guys only play casual/no skill games and interactive movies?
>game has largest active playerbase
do you guys only play casual/no skill games and interactive movies?
>game has largest active playerbase
we only play video games here
I play it every day
Of course it's a tripfag.
id rather play unreal tournament 2k4. this game isn't really fun to play. but epic makes big boy cash so whatever.
no you don’t
>a thread died for this
kill yourself
i do too. im pro tier. my biggest problem is matchamking. when i do random matchmaking often times i get noobs in squad
I've played it for one and a half years. I'm not really feeling Chapter 2 Season 4.
Chink shills getting desperate now kek
>I'm not really feeling Chapter 2 Season 4.
looks fancy but it sucks in reality. they catered to comic book fans ... i have the battlepass coz i got it for free.
the people here aren't too different, I used to use the general for this game on /vg/ but they're a bunch of unironic homosexual furfaggots that think building is bad, so much so that they only play team rumble to avoid it.
>building is bad,
instead they could have learnt how to use it. a simple ramp or shooting from behind a wall will guarantee victory over any noob
i will go check it on /vg/
games boring but i understand why kids are so addicted to it, creative mode seems fine
No. I am playing Metal Slug games and Parasite Eve.
both are bad , go away underage
Paragon died so we could hear about this game for the next 6 years. Fucking shame.
oh no one less chink flavor of the month game?
Paragon sucked.
Is the meta still just spamming building materials and shotgunning people in the face? Because I quit after when it came apparent that fights are just whoever builds their way up to high ground first and blasts your face off with the pump shotgun.
I don't build and win all the time.
>he says while there are 10 genshin threads up
>he doesn't just knock the guy up on highground down and blast him
That depends, it's been like a year since I last played and people used to just box themselves in constantly because you build shit faster than you could shoot them down with most weapon. It'd be nice if that got nerfed because it was dumb as fuck.
I play it regularly. I'm absolute shit in it because it has skill mechanics the good players can use to become invincible one shot killing machines.
Obviously Zig Forums doesn't play it because they are shitters. That is why we always have threads about single player games you can cheat or play on easy.
>game has largest active playerbase
there are more people watching movies than playing games, so what exactly is this attempt at measuring someone else's dick supposed to achieve?
I'm only playing this game since the spy season. I love the idea of a comic book season but it is Marvel and I'm a DCfag. At least I use punk Storm, in the previous season I liked the waterworld gameplay but not a single skin. Mechanic Jules was pretty close but those tattoos and the bull piercing ruined it completely.
All in all the problem with a known theme like this that you just know your favorite either won't be in (I would kill for a 90's Animated+Evolution Rogue) or will be translated in a way you don't like (She Hulk).
>Marvel and DC
i dont even know the difference between them and dont even wanna know. i hate all capeshit film/comics. now in all fortnite games everyone is Thor lol hahahahhahaha the new default
here they get annihalated in fortnite games. its all about skill and here they have no skill except souls braggin but who knows if they use trainers like i do for souls games.
true skill is always in pvp not fightin npc. thats when bricks get shat
>everyone is Thor lol hahahahhahaha the new default
Well in every season everyone is the default or easily reachable skin so no wonder. As for not liking capeshit I respect your opinion.