It's a masterpiece

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unironically it is

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I enjoy it, even without the extremely lacking co-op. Could do without the gacha elements, but I suppose they have to earn money somehow, and a single purchase ain't gonna fund all those DLCs

with the extremely lacking co-op*

This is the problem I have with it. I'm in the honeymoon phase but I know that eventually I'm gonna hit a wall where I have to grind the fucking soul out of my body to keep enjoying it, or shell out money. This is the art of Gacha.

>turns up saturation slider
Now they're the same. Don't even have to change link because he's a twink already. The difference is one of these is a fully featured game and the other is coom bait to draw in whales.


>eventually I'm gonna hit a wall where I have to grind the fucking soul out of my body to keep enjoying it, or shell out money.
That would be nice honestly if you could actively grind. Instead, you are only able to play productively for 30-60 minutes a day once you hit around AR30.

Right now, the grind is okay-ish, once you've marked the main farm routes for ressources it's pretty fast to empty them. After that you can farm normal chests if you want.

There needs to be some way that we can stay in the honeymoon phase forever while still allowing the devastating to turn a profit. Perhaps they could just get down to business, push the battle pass to the side, and offer non-whales a subscription of some kind?

yeah the $5 thing is boring and the BP sucks too. So you can make the choice between spending 0 and getting nothing, spending $15 and getting a very small amount of content (a lot of it spread over the course of a month), or spending obscene amounts of money and STILL not even getting all of the game's content

that's my biggest laugh/cope regarding whales. These sweaty retards spend 1200 on pulling characters because they have crazy amounts of $ to burn and they still don't even get everything the game has to offer. That's how you know this business model is fucking AIDS

It's a masterpiece in getting whales to give money and putting spyware on your pc

Whales are going to go crazy no matter what. I don't blame the devs for capitalizing on their poor impulse control. But at the same time, they need to keep the dolphins happy too. Even just giving us a subscription for $15 a month that gives us the privilege to work really hard to get a random character as a reward after a month or laboring would work. And make these characters be available as a wish first. This way they still get the whale money.

>pick male mc
>everyone keeps reffering to me as "she" and "her"
Fucking faggot game

Genshin Impact Game\GenshinImpact_Data\Persistent\AssetBundles and delete blocks folder
>Your enjoyment now goes up 200%

Shill on me chinks.
is this on pc and if so, where?

Attached: 1577209832372.png (128x128, 13.01K)

Have you tried Google you fucking retard

BOTW clone with waifus. Just google Genshin impact and download. It's "free".

dont care
still marrying Venti

Can this be done on mobile?


I really like Paimon. Very cute

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Both use Unity so I don't see why not. Check your system files in file explorer or something. Should be in Android/genshin something

What does it do?

Damn I hate google

Try it first fag.
You can undelete it if you're gay

If this shit was that good you chinks wouldn't flood the board with a million threads about it. Haha faggots not one cares about this game.


Is it meant to be almost 3gb?

Attached: PSX_20201008_110545.jpg (1080x1930, 172.71K)

co-op is there, you just need adventure rank 16 to unlock it.

Mine only 59mb on PC.

one has grass tho

Has any spyware been found yet? I'm not going to download commie chinkware til I know it's clean

Can any of you shills let us know how long you have to keep this up for? Just let us know when Zig Forums is usable again.

We're making about 10 cents a post

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