>all my friends are gone so no custom games
>multiplayer with pubs is broken because of controller auto-aim
user it's 4 AM in first world timezones
>Consoleshit stays out
Nigger its 330, I was playing ODST like 4 hours ago
>aim assist on PC
>broken dogshit ports of games most people played to death 13-19 years ago
It's fucking nothing. Microsoft should not be praised or humored for lazily throwing scraps at PC like this. Halo has also not been relevant in a decade, after Bungie brought the series full circle with Reach. Nobody cares about it anymore, you are as delusional as Microsoft for thinking Halo is a major franchise on par with the big ones nowadays. It peaked a long time ago and it holds no appeal to anyone but nostalgic 30-somethings that can't let go of their teenage years.
>omg guys we're going home, these games were so gooooood
>people play them and realize they were never good
Finally, this collection had only one purpose and it has fulfilled it. Now bury this franchise deep and let it be forgotten.
If you play Halo 3 that is far from dead, we are talking people are playing a game from 2007, apart from Counter Striker there aren't more gamesl ike that
>343's halo
I thought I did, but didn't realize 343 was going to try to change everything about the multi-player for some reason. At least getting hate mail for armor locking ghosts on Christmas day was fun.
Still pretty good considering these games range from 8 to 20 years old.
Youve got AAA games that came out this month with worse numbers than that (star wars squadrons, avengers.)
Halo MP is good. 343i made it bad by making controller mandatory because you get a fucking aimbot if you play with a controller.
The campaigns as PC ports are excellent.
Those are actually really good numbers for a multiplayer game in 2020 though.
i wonder if that player count has anything to do with them releasing multiple botched ports and don't bother fixing them for several months, or at all
or the lack of features that were promised, like a custom games/server browser, or forge/theater not being released until 3 dropped despite the fact it existed in the game files and they didn't bother enabling it for some retarded reason, or the constant re-runs of the same 3 or 4 fucking maps in matchmaking due to a lack of map veto
ODST has been crashing a few time for me. None of the other ports have. Also Alt Tab doesn't work properly in any of the games. Absolute rush job.
>AR starts
they killed it before it got out of the gate
With Halo Infinite I wonder how the conflict with Cortana and the Created will change, seems like 343 are using a lot of Bungie's dropped concepts for Infinite, so will Sentinels replace the Prometheans, Guardians may show up, will we see the Combat Skin from Halo 3 concepts that looked like a Geth replace the trash of Halo 4 and 5, I'm very interested on how 343 will handle the Forerunners this time. Did Cortana get rid of Halo 4 and 5's Prometheans because she no longer has any use of them and would rather use the stronger Sentinels that lay dormant as her army. All we seen are Banished weapons, vehicles, and enemy types. The Banished are labled as the new main antagonist to replace the Covenant Empire, not the trash from Halo 4 and 5. We know of one Forerunner weapon, the Armament Blaster but that could very well be Sentinel. I'm excited to learn more since it seems like 343 are finally going the Bungie route with the Forerunners over that weird dumb shit from Halo 4 and 5. That shit was not Forerunner in those games, it's like they were trying their hardest to move away from Halo CE, 2, and 3.
it's completely dead in yurop
I literally did want this though
But I wanted it for the single player campaigns. I didn't have Xbox Live growing up on my 360 so I never really got the chance to play Halo online much.
ODST campaign sucked
>controller balance is fucked
>hitreg is fucked EVEN AFTER THE PATCH
>map weight is fucked, enjoy playing on narrows and ghost town because you WILL play them a lot.
>no auto objective modes
>no fucking graphics settings
>no double binding
>forge is inferior to ED's forge in every single way, despite them having the ideas from ED, literal volunteers from ED begging to work for them, the source code, time, money, experience and demand
TF2 is very team oriented and not similar at all.
>Doesn't even count Microsoft/Xbox players
OP is a retard
>make a zero effort, broken port with a 50/50 chance that you'll CTD when joining a game
The game has no players because the game is broken, not because people don't want to play Bungie's Halo games. Anyone saying otherwise is a 343i shill or a troll.
>aim assist
Can't speak for other game modes, but I can still regularly stomp in swat with K&M. Like utterly decimate the other team. Maybe you guys just suck. Regardless, input based matchmaking is coming next month so you guys can quit your bitching.
>muh m+kb is superior to analog sticks!
>how do people play fps with controllers its soooooo much easier to aim on pc
For years Zig Forums has been saying this shit and now for the last year all of a sudden PC players are bitching about "muh aim assist" and crying about controllers stomping their asses. Fucking pussies you just suck ass. M+Kb always has the advantage fuck you
i just play through the multiple campaigns on saturday mornings. fun stuff
>M+Kb always has the advantage
It doesn't since in this case you're literally playing against people who are using aimbot.
No you still have to actually aim
Which game has the most active multiplayer? 3?
Turns out I actually didn't. Don't know how I could ever play ego shooters on console.
i broke my controller playing halo 3 yesterday
its halo ce and 2 from now on bros, fuck 3 and FUCK reach
you do realise its almost free on game pass?
>concentrate of bringing the other games out instead of fixing bugs players found day 1 in the first fucking game
>still don't bother to fix the bugs
yeah mcc sucked hard
343 needs to lose halo
Does anyone still plays this?
Halo 3 is very active. Same with Reach. It's damn near impossible to find an 8v8 in CE or 2 though.
10K is more than enough. I've played games with
The magnetism is 1:1 to what consoles always had. Controllers are unusable without it.
Also FYI MKB gets the exact same bullet magnetism. It just lacks the sticky reticle.