You can marry ships

>you can marry ships

Attached: qt.png (302x374, 185.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What is that expression trying to convey?

shota cock

Destroyer is best class.

Attached: bache maid.jpg (980x1637, 445.25K)

Worst class

made for femdom into reversal


Attached: bache.jpg (992x1403, 649.03K)

how the fuck are you suppose to focus on your work?

Attached: sakimi-chan-atagoxtakao-yuri-azurlane-01.jpg (684x1000, 205.14K)

Ok, tin can

>man what the fuck is this game anyway, all they post is anime women with huge tits

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x720, 134.04K)


What do you do if a ship gets pregnant?

Why is Azure lane so obsessed with feet?

Attached: 42317095_2181325692192039_4195550691567075328_o.jpg (680x960, 73.09K)

More Bitch please.

Attached: bache mom trike.png (800x800, 490.63K)

why is she like this?

Attached: 1596009721119.png (800x800, 267.81K)

is the normal reaction to punch her?
cus i wanna punch her

>4 ears

Ara ara



She's a gremlin like that one from Gremlins 2 thats horny for a human.

Attached: bache cheeks.jpg (1200x983, 438.83K)

>you can RAPE OF NANKING boats
>you can call their admiral WINNIE THE POOH

Attached: bacchi10.png (1800x1432, 2.36M)

So if i've understood this correctly, there is a game somewhere underneath all these semen demons you keep posting? And you roll and hope rng gets you a pic of your favorite girl?

Marriage/child support
>you are gonna get me pregnant user

I don't know, I have never seen it.

Attached: bacchi23.jpg (2174x3476, 1.24M)

She'll probably like it


Baby girl

Attached: baby bache.png (2974x3779, 717.16K)

Yes, but keep in mind that a big chunk of the girls are only available during limited event periods. If you start now you won't be able to roll for the world's brattiest granny, for example.

Attached: __pamiat_merkuria_azur_lane_drawn_by_cisyo__6014a64247477de4921a34e564605369.jpg (868x1228, 168.08K)

She is mommy, you newturd.

Attached: bacchi43.png (800x800, 338.33K)


Attached: cute bachi.jpg (3508x1974, 651.02K)

Why would I wanna do any of that when I can just jerk off to her art?


Attached: __atago_and_atago_azur_lane_drawn_by_yomu_sgt_epper__9e120151fbb8407db04ff1aaa1e8bb78.jpg (2928x4096, 625.51K)

Sluts can't be mommies

das rite

Attached: bacchi40.png (1200x1400, 794.54K)

How limited, do they come back?
How rare is the goblin bsing plastered all over the thread.

>he can't read japanese
>he thinsk she is a slut

Attached: bacchi24.png (1254x1771, 1.47M)