Final boss used to be your friend

>Final boss used to be your friend
>Apologizes after being defeated

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Other urls found in this thread:

>they're mind controlled and you're aware of this as you kill them

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>They are mind controlled
>They still retain consciousness either during the entire fight or in the second phase
>They apologize during the fight and tell you it has been an honor to fight alongside you
>When their healthbar is low they tell you to not stop and that "it's ok"

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>The music changes to a slow, sad version of the character's theme
>The HUD disappears

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>X in megaman zero
it still hurts bros

What gaem?

I don't remember which ome but one of the minor Metal Gear, I think one of the Ac!d games

Also I'm sure I found it before in an actual ROG but can't recall exactly which one

Thanks. I'll try checking them out.

*meant to say RPG

>boss was your friend
>"half as long"

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>Final Boss isn't actually evil, is just going insane from forces beyond yours or their control
well Zig Forums, what games do this?

>Final Boss isn't wrong and it turns out you were in the wrong all along

jowy from suikoden 2 comes to mind

>Villain isn't actually evil, was mind controlled all along by the true secret final boss

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Can Joseph Seed be considered a boss?

>Talk the whole game about how you hate your dad and how he was an asshole
>You learn mid-game that your dad is some kind of entity that wants to kill every living being of spira
>Get to the end of the game. You got the oportunity to kill your father and save the world
>You cry.... Again

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Metal Gear Ac!d 1, even tho it's not EXACTLY mind control. Good twist too
They are both good

Merge both tropes and you get kino

>yakuza kiwami
It's hurt

>the boss starts attacking itself

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I don't have friends and I can't relate

>Protagonists/Main characters are son/daughter and father/mother or siblings that are in contrast
>mid game reveales the backstory behind the animosity between the two
>both characters go through their paths and characters arcs
>At the ending they find themselves united against the villain

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Fuck that, if you lose they just taunt you and piss on your corpse.
I'm not forgiving you for anything you faggot nigger.



>Permanently banned

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>final boss closes the game every time he defeats you

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>not evil
You wanna ask how many others he coaxed into making the same mistake he did? Stop absolving these shits

That wasn't X though

>final boss de-levels you and takes all your items and money

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Wolfestein: The New Order

>final boss used to be your friend
>boss theme is an alternate version of the protagonist's or their theme
any vidja like this? sounds like a kino idea

X wasn't mind controlled or anything, that was copy X (different character). Real X died in Zero 2.