Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

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Nope. Deus ex, wow, and rdr2 are definately left wing.

mgs is not left wing, snake probably thinks lefties are pussies

Metal Gear is a libertarian series

why is bayonetta right wing? i thought it was just a game about beating up angels with style

How the fuck is ACNH left wing?
It's pure capitalism hell but with cute animals.

>Long nosed merchants protected by golems
>Tall black guys that attack if you look at them
>Left wing

Everyone kneel before our cubical overlord.

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behold, retards who think that "there's a right wing character" means "the game is right wing"

I think you're a faggot and should kill yourself.

Your image doesnt make any sense, you are just classifying games by the criteria of "This developers are muh SJWs and these are not". Doom isnt left wing, its a game about killing demons, Resident Evil isnt right wing, its just a game about escaping a huge ass mansion filled with zombies and puzzles, if you made this image then you should kill yourself, honestly

>more animeshit on the right wing

What do they mean by this?

but mgs has a lot of libertarian themes, especially 2

>FF7 right wing
>FF7 Remake left wing

>Xenoblade left wing
>Xenoblade 2 right wing

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peak of stupidity Forums.

this thread is shit even by /vpol/ standards

Don't you think it's enough low quality bait for the day?

>rdr and yakuza right wing

>Is this accurate?

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I'm guessing op is considering libertarian as right wing

>Deus Ex
>Right wing

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No what are you, retarded? Think for yourself invalid.

>deus ex left wing
I thought deus ex was middle wing?

Is this accurate?

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Stop posting this fucking nonsense. Why are yanks so desperate to label everything politically? It's outrageous that someone even sat down and made this.

>Fanbases a factor
Quit being such a teenager OP

>Anti police state
>Anti violence
>Pro China
>Anything but left wing

> Xenoblade 1 left wing?
> Persona left wing?
Not quite sure if it's supposed to be the entire series, but Persona 4 Golden was incredibly based it was off the charts.

Three Houses is also questionable, it's kinda based, but the first FE game to allow homosexual marriages. Fates was seriously based, although fucked over by the english localization.

Nier Automata is a right wing game. The machine's imitation of sex is a critique of homosexuality and the forest kingdom is an examination of how a family unit creates a cohesive albeit isolationist kingdom.

>anti police state
>anti violent
That's anti-authoritarian though? Right wing doesn't mean authoritarian.

> dark souls
> political
Please kill yourself.

What do you dream of during your diabetic comas? Evidently it must be pretty fucking horrifying if you could come up with this stupid shit.
>Left wing
>Deus Ex
>Right wing
Why are you like this?

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