Develops your game

>develops your game

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*runs the social media account of your game

No wonder it's shit.

Actual strong people in general don't usually brag about being strong.
Weaklings on the other hand...


We need a whole list of companies who hire people like this so we know what games to avoid.

I raped this bitch over GTA and she liked it.

>pirates your game

Try asking them to define what a "strong woman" even is. They have no fucking clue.

>saves your industry

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Just look at the game characters it's obvious

Pre-Anita: used to like fem protag games, if the games were good to begin with. Not really relevant to the gameplay, but it changed flavours a bit.
Post-Anita: every new game with a strong independent fem protag feels, TO ME, forced and tacked on and pandering and trying to score good boy points with publications and other devs

The way I saw before, some games had fem protags before the developers thought it would be cool, while now they do it because they feels it's their moral obligation.
I know this is completely subjective, it's all in my mind. But somehow the whole thing has managed to make me despise or outright reject games without playing them.
It's like I've caught a mental virus.

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sometimes they hide in the writing department like in obsidian

Didn't some eceleb make a list of all companies who did the BLM shit for kudos?
It's probably those same companies that hire trannies

>characters has no personality, motivations and barely any writing at all
>the only sign that the character is "strong" is because the writer said she is

>There are not enough games with female protagonists!
>Define "female"

Lmao they wouldn't be able to answer without coming out as tranny haters, like the Harry Potter writer.

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terfs are the only good femenists

> literal fucking who
who, what game and why should I care?

When people play tribal games, this provokes others into playing too. Gaming industry will probably separate into two camps entirely, because of this polarization. Woke thing in general appears to me a stab at making a substitute to global religion, this time female-dominated.

"strong women are women capable of easily pining a man to the ground and fuck him until his seeds impregnate her womb. She will them make him take on her last name"

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affirmative action means people like this are in all professions now

The two camps are the western game industry and Japanese game industry. I'm siding with the gooks.

They are as cancerous, actually.
About 20 years ago a strong feminist movement took over. Now we have a police force that lets women in without passing the physical tests that men have to, same for firemen, they get preference to get into public positions in government, get credit advantages, get preference to get a job in the private sector because the government subsidizes it, got different laws made for them in regards to domestic violence, etc.
Women loved it. LOVED it. Not one complained. Not the non-feminists, not the moderate feminists, not the radical feminists.
Now the government has gone further, and said men can be women too. Who can even say what a man or a woman is? Not the government!
So now feminists are seething, because that would make them loose all the priviledges they gained. Men and women would again be equal under the law, if men say they are women on the inside.
"Terfs" are a joke. Yes, they hate trannies, but only because ironically enough they equalize the playing field.

not in indies.

especially in indies

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Sony basically allied themselves with Western woke sensibilities. What do you mean, Nintendo, various AA nip game studios? The Japanese are very fucked, too, if their obsession with NTR hasn't clued you in yet.

well i mean we dont hear about any indie games with female employees (because they are no good), so good indie games are all by males.

Modern feminist movement does everything to strip woman of her feminine characteristics. It's a fake novement backed by big money.

What is this cancer??

Ultima Online was co-designed by an uncredited woman who designed most of the systems in that game that the majority of MMO's have used to this day

AND thats why mmo's are shit

>voiced by an asian woman

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No, fuck off. They are only mad that trannies are invading their turf. They are still as cancerousas any other female.

When Samus turned out to be a girl, i didn't give a fuck, i was shocked, but Metroid was good so who cares, but nowadays with examples like tlou2 it feels fucking forced, also Nintendo please bring back Metroid.

That's a cuck's fantasy.

Here are your romance options bro

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>waaah no one cares about black women
literally yes, holy fuck, when will they learn to shut up about it

You're using that word as if you understand the definition

Yup, you got terfs right, far as I understand.
>Not one complained
Oh no, many complained. It's just that women can barely do anything against other aggressive women, especially if those are the majority. They can choose to live normal lives themselves and maybe weakly appeal to other women and men, but that does nothing.

some earthbound wannabe that was laughed at universally.

Exactly which is why a monstergirls apocaylpse would be disastrous

two of the three are atleast not total cunts.

Oedipus complex, more likely. Women explicitly select men taller, more productive and more socially dominant then them. Vice versa it's less defined, but still there. This fantasy makes little sense.

You literally want to be dominated, it's still straight, but at this point just wear a skirt and become a femboy.

>middle is just crossdressing Key

No she doesn't, she develops the 0 RISK OF FAILURE INTERACTIVE MOVIES PRETENDING TO BE GAMES that low iq subhuman sons/daughters of whores who should have been aborted consume. When it comes to me, she and her kind and 95% of the western gaming industry is on my blacklist, they do not get my money and my time is not wasted on their inferior and unworthy products.

My time and money goes mostly to based Japanese gaming developers that make real games for real gamers.

SSS Tier = From Software, Team Ninja.
S Tier = Capcom, Platinum Games, id Software
A Tier = Square Enix, Atlus, High Quality Indie developers (Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Blasphemous etc)
B Tier = Tango Gameworks, Bandai Namco, Medium Quality Indie developers (Dead Cells, Death's Gambit etc.)

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>it's still straight
Eh, debatable.

>Be only woman in dev team
>Make some of the best levels in Tomb Raider 1 and 2
>Work completely forgotten by so-called "feminist" gamers who claim CORE was a 6 man, bigoted team
>Woman writes Tomb Raider 1
>Devs of Tomb Raider 2013 claim it's the first game in series to be written by female writer
>Most female "devs" nowadays are either community managers or HR

Makes me sad.

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You're 100% me. Hell, I end up thinking it's pandering if a new cartoon has a black character in it. The sad part is I'm usually right.

user if an amazon kidnaps and rapes you only to turn you into her husband/ houseslave you kinda have to hold that loss. If you're not strong enough you were born to serve, doesn't make you a cuck.

Have you ever seen a modern game with a big budget and a multi-year development cycle that comes out looking absolutely mediocre and all you can think about is "I guess that was the best they could do".

It's not a matter of resources or time. That was it, there was nothing else that team could give. That was their best.

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Cassandra is still hilarious to me. I suppose if dorks are prone to fantasizing about useless fucks having harems and shit, so can older female writers self-insert.

It's still debatably straight, and most people who are into it are gonna end up either as trannies, or married to some big 500 pound lard.

>does 3 hours of bug testing while browsing social media the rest of the time because she knows she can file for wrongful termination if someone grows the scrote to shitcan her
>in you're path

Except that's literally never happening, and that's another way of coping with the fact that you like guys.

just sad
atleast i'll get to replay the old tomb raiders again and again
2013 was garbage so was anything after it

You think they like this type of women? They don't see themselves in them, same as in productive men, and hate them just as much.

My personal model focuses on men socialized like women in general. These can range from trannies, fags to those who learned to compete in life like aggressive women do. I like the latter type, they obey dominant women automatically, but abuse the rest.