>Artificial Academy 2 is still the most fun 18+ game ever made

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It's pretty fun indeed. I end up wasting more time creating pairings and all than actually watching the lewd scenes though. I like it.

if that hogwarts legacy game cant even deliver somewhat 99% of the student simulation in this game then I fucking drop it.

Hogwarts legacy is action game, retard
You literally play as 18 years old nigger who never attended school before but has mary sue powers, what student interaction do you expect?

I played it for a week, broke my dick and got bored.

I have no idea how I tolerated vanilla aa2

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>people still taking pictures with jaggies

>Love Koikatu character creator
>AA2 interaction and variables in each personality is still 10 times better


Artificial Academy 3: Koikatu, make it happen
Also add parents

Why do you like to get cucked?

I don't I make harems in AA2, but it's fun to experiment with eahc personality reactions and their traits

>different dialogues bcause of small/big boobs, tall/short
>Fuck a girl in the ass and not take her virginity
>some perosnalities eventually complain about it

For some reason it works like shit. Every scene has framerate like it's running on intel gma.

Koikatsu is better.

what a pleb, AA2 is better.

Get the Windows10 fix

its more fun than custom maid 2

Because it's hot
Especially when you play as a girl who gets raped, and who's female loved is raped too

>download a character called Reena
>she keeps raping my character after first period
bros what the fuck?


This but pls no "boy in a girls-only school" narrative

At this point it's just AA3, but that's what actually everyone wants.

it's the last inspired game by illusion, but the best Illusion game remains Des Blood 4

>haven't working on my obligations in the last 5 days
>have hand free cummed thanks to AA2
I don't know how to stop.

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friendship ended with artificial academy 2, now this rpgmaker game is my new best friend

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I love that shit.
>Few days into a class
>One girl constantly talking to me
>Saw her follow me from room to room once
>Starts asking for sex
>Deny her
>She just laughs and either forces sex right there or drags me off to a secluded room

aa2 "gameplay" is fucking retarded and only turbo autists like that shit, you know a game is trash when the only fun that comes from it is watching predictable "AI" do meaningless stupid shit together

uhm, name? asking for a friend

>hand free
Dangerously based

Obviously what I mean by hands free cumming is cumming with no physical stimulli. I'm not a faggot.

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>Drags into changing room
>Insults you
>The slow jazz starts playing

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AI is truly the best part about this game.

he's a transfer student m8

cucked? Oh no my boy, I get raped.

>I get raped
>not playing as a girl and doing the raping

It's not rape if all the boys wanted exactly that.