Games with good cooking mechanics?

Games with good cooking mechanics?

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Do americans really?

Surely they don't...

is that chocolate sauce?
is that a giant carrot on a burger?
don't tell me that is a raisin bun on a burger
what the fuck is this

>suzie dukes
>located in Australia

Senran Kagura Bon Appetit

Remove the hot cross buns and we're in business.
Shitty fucking buns with sultanas and raisins. I can't believe people eat these during Easter

Do mutts really

Papa games

Ah yes the bun is clearly the issue here

the bun and the chocolate sauce is
the carrot could be decent if it was grilled or something

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do australians really eat like this every day?

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Do Australians really?

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The Age of Exploration was a mistake

>it wasn't euros or americans mutt posting
>it was Australians

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Oh no, they will post ja/ck/ again

>sydney, australia
Nice try OP

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A soul died for this
That Turkey had consciousness

The one good deed moot ever did in his life was try to warn us about the Australians.

>chocolate sauce and sweet bun in a burger
It's not just America but the entire Anglosphere that needs to go

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As an Australian it makes me feel embarrassed to know that came from my country

we eat cake decorations on bread, tomato sauce on peanut butter sandwiches and eat fermented yeast turds on toast, why would you even have to ask?

Bucks are not the same size for the price but it’s a great game to get a one to butts or a laptop or something

Mmm, yes. Dried chicken with $2 cheddar block cheese

are these made by an ai or something? how can they be so fucking disgusting?

No they're made by something much worse

it is probably, in order:
>bell peppers
>that might actually be a raisin bun, all is chaos

>tomato sauce on peanut butter sandwiches
Wut? I'm an ausfag and I've never heard of anyone doing this.

Is that really chocolate? I thought it was gravy.. If it is, get a real burger bun, then I can see it being a tasty burg.

watching this makes me feel as if i travelled back in time to the 60s where there was just a boom in shitty food because everyone had access to everything

I just had a Whopper as well as a Rodeo King. Please call me based

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i am an overweight american who eats like shit and the burger and those 2 webms are absolutely revolting to me.

Burger King is not based

Would definitely eat if that's peanut sauce.

>This fucking culinary abomination
You fucking Strayas deserve to be eaten alive by spiders

As an Australian it makes me feel embarrassed to know that this poster came from my country

>mfw the brick of cheddar

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god that looks awful. How would one even eat such a monstrosity? Where do you begin?

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>american garbage """"""food"""""

most of these shitty food/DIY channels are owned by a Russian conglomerate that pumps out anti-USA propaganda
no, really

Based, I love whoppers

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i mean that's probably bullshit but it's believable enough. the world is a strange place.

you accept that you're going to have to use several napkins and wash your hands afterwards and just pick it up and start biting

>Americans prepare their burgers well done
Do you hicks have no understanding of the culinary arts?
After 250 years you still got no culture and no class.

You have no idea what your fellow countrymen are willing to put in their mouths, it seems to be exclusively an american thing

I would unironically eat that, and if you wouldn't you're a pussy faggot. Yes I'm American and proud.

that looks like it's mostly brisket

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I use several napkins and wash my hands after eating a normal burger. That thing looks like I'd need to wear some kind of raincoat to eat it

holy BASED

seared bite

you should be proud, faggot. stop being a pussy and promoting toxic femininity


>I would unironically eat that, and if you wouldn't you're a pussy faggot. Yes I'm American and proud.

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always look up the deals online for burger king, it's too expensive otherwise.

you're supposed to grind it up and drink it like some kind of milkshake i think

yes that's me. you got a problem with that? fucking little twink.



Haha, I love these pictures. They're like the boomer zoomer doomer faces but for Americans instead

Not Breath of the Wild.

the first one is Australian, so no, Americans do not really

>yes that's me. you got a problem with that? fucking little twink.

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>flaming hot cheetos

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>the fucking steven segal level jumpcutting
I'm dying

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>hot cross bun eaten outside good friday
Absolutely heretical, and that's a truly ghastly burger besides.

It all make sense when you realize that Strayas are in fact rejects and convicts from other island where things like mint sauce were considered normal

not gonna lie dude, their burgers look pretty good, that ones obviously just a meme to get people talking about his store

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