Monster Hunter Thread

Literally impossible

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Just hit the tail lmao

How??? He keeps jumping around and turning towards me. I can't even get near him
This wouldn't happen in World

I thought so too, user. Took me 8 hours to beat it, but I finally did it. Now I'm 15 hours in on the 4* quests, I fucking love you game!

Post your switch numbers and I'll add you and we can beat it tomorrow!

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anons do you think we'll get a demo/test for Rise?

If Rise is good i'll buy a bing box
and by good i mean is it exactly like World but with dogs

It's like world with dogs and bugs

>Buy a switch just to play rise because i loved world so much, eating instant noodles for months just to afford it.
>first few quests are just collecting mushrooms and shit nothing special
>finally get to fight an izuchi
>monster absolutely dabs on me
>400 hours in world and this thing just destroys me
>finally kill it after 2 carts
>no quest complete
>check quest 0/1 great izuchi killed
>but I just fucking killed it, got the crave and everything
>while in in the menus this izuchi that's twice the size comes in the zone
>now there's 3 of them attacking at once, impossible.
>cart and fail quest

this game is fucking buggy bullshit keep your shovelware tendies thanks for beta testing world 2

No way! You were in the previous threads too!? xD


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Is this some joke about World or something? Started GU yesterday as my first MH and this is like the first guy ez as fuck.

That’s a good question. We had demos before so why not

A load of people who started with World and got through the endgame content in that game started GU and got the shit kicked out of them by Great Maccao

Good job
Now beat the real one with only 3 carts


Asking for the enlightened weebs in this thread: what yokai do you want to see as monsters in Rise?

Someone post the maccao pasta.

>A load of people

Gashadokuro would be terrifying but very cool

just watched the gameplay trailer
looks really good, multiple palamutes at once is neat
so uhhhhhhh
how is MH on a tendie controller?

Based Nostradamus poster

It's a meme from nintendo only players mad at world, obviously there's no source

Buy a pro controller and it will feel the same like Xbox one

>got through the endgame content in that game
more like carried

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They nailed the kappa/sumo monster, it's easily one of my favourites
>what do you want to see?
Fox Demon/Kitsune monster
like ninetails with rabies

>kicks you again
>poisons you
>kicks your mother
>sells your kidney
>fucks your wife

Who thought great Maccao was good game design.

Meme answer: Nebutori
Real answer Gashadoroku, tengu, and Nurarihyon

I like how he teaches you that getting hit twice (usually while healing from the first hit) is instant fucking death because you get stunned. Now that heals are free and infinite, there's no point.

So, in Rise do I have to choose between dog and palico?

best longsword time so far. i wonder if I can actually get it under 15 mins. probably not but I'll try anyway. not missing a ballista binder would probably help

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You’ll have 2 in every combination you want.
Just 1 in multiplayer tho

Scaling's gonna kill online again

Make it like an Odogaron with illusion/hallucinogenic capabilities.


You can have either
2 cats LMAO 2 cats
2 dogs

Two hunting dogs sounds pretty comfy.

I already posted it in the last thread, just the same cookie-cutter set
also I forgot to slot shaver gem for the third time in a row so just... take out evade extender for that

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Yes I’ll go for 2 doggos. I love that you can interact with them