High Elves rule the world.
High Elves rule the world
Why do I keep seeing vempire's shit posted? Is he spamming on here?
Can I get a high elf gf?
No, just shills baiting coomfags into resubbing.
Only if you're a white human male.
damn look at her shitbox. Thats a big one
God I wish white human males were real
They have cool uniforms in wolfenstein don't they. God I wish white people existed. Moon colonies would be cool too
Only if you're a big green orc.
Worgen are the hottest race in WoW. High elves just can't compete. Take the knot-pill.
Fuck you, furry scum. You nature fags will never rule this board.
Aren't high elves extinct
They renamed themselves Bloodelves.
Sylvanas loves the knot and you know it.
Who would've thought that a fat cunt like Christie Golden with no writing skills would one day ruin the Horde.
No you still got a few high elves left, the rest who survived the scourge named themselves blood elves.
no you only get low elf gf
T minus 5 days until I can have my white elf on Alliance side.
>you still got a few high elves left
No, we don't count these traitor elves as High Elves anymore.
Asur > whatever the fuck WoW high elves are supposed to be about at this point
>Bal'a dash, malanore my champion...
>I have something to tell you for your ears alone, come closer...
>I drank yew healing draught, lumbuhfewt
Yes you do, you have to blood elves are still blood elves even with the sunwell restored according to the very convoluted lore which doesn't really makes any sense.
Pro tip
Blizzard wants to make Kalimdor Horde only and Eastern Kingdoms Alliance only. The Blood elves are next to be genocided.
>green eyes
nice boomer elf lmao
gas yourself
Built for BZC
wouldnt the old bloodelves keep their green eyes like how orcs keep their green skin
>WoW fapbait
>Noldorfag shows up
Can this thread get any more cancerous?
Apparently not, all things considered the time they quaffed Fel down was relatively short. If Orcs had a giant font of Light like the Sunwell to siphon, maybe they'd turn back too.
Green eyes are the original blood elves, yellow sunwell elves are an abomination.
Blood elves were at their finest, when they were magic addicts ready to sip any creature of mana that they could find.
Lmao, I was wondering I thought the tattoo is part of the original. Thanks user.
We need that orc-cuckfag and much more human supremacists, raging about genocide and rape.
Nope. What kind of magic the elves consume determines their eye color, shape and their whole race eventually.
dont forget "made for ____" posts
You are certainly working towards that.
>no dindu'rei.jpg yet
come on lads, you disappoint me
Have anyone seen that blood elf girl on the left? She's been missing ever since she took a stroll into darkshore...
ok boomer
Fuck human
Fuck greenskins
Fuck dawi
Fuck lizardmen
But most importantly FUCK THE ASUR
Malfurion bred her and transformed her into a nightelf
Human superiority?
Coming right up.