This is an in-game screenshot of 2B
This is an in-game screenshot of 2B
Is Coffee good for you?
>prefer 2B with skirt and without blindfold
>2B always drawn without skirt and with blindfold
It's hard being a man of culture
really makes you think...
I want 2B to make out with me after she just sucked off another man and stuff has his spunk in her mouth.
Black coffee, yes. No calories, no sugar, all energy and maximum comfy way to start the day
why do they even use a blindfold?
those roboeyes they have seem to work fine without them
I prefer tea.
the blindfold has their HUD on it
isn't it just regular Cloth?
Seems too lightweight to have any components in it, and the pods carry most of the Huds functions
I mean technically since they're androids they shouldn't need an external device for them to have a hud
It's symbolic.
Play the game.
Because its kinky, all that other stuff about it being a visor came later
play the game
play the game
she has such a pretty face
Panty > Thong
What? Not that guy but I played the game all the way to ending E and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. The cloth is a visor but they're fucking androids why not just implant the HUD into their eyes or something?
>he doesn't know
She is so kissable.
It's literally called a visor so they are seeing information on it. That's the ingame explanation. For character design it's just cool.
It actually is pretty cool and unique.
This is an in-game screenshot of Guest character 2B dressed up as Kaine.
becuase its like metamorphosical and u know wen dey remove it dey under stand something
it's rely deep wen u thing abat it
oh no sephiroth has a robot daughter
nah this is
it's weird but without her blindfold she just looks like generic anime girl #26. the true power of the blindfold is putting one on one of those sex dolls so it hides the soulless eyes. it's like actually having a life size, fuckable 2B. totally cancels out the uncanny valley.
Because she is blind to their tyranny
I've finished the game almost 2 years ago with the English dub and plan on replaying it soon, should I stick to Englando or try weebspeak?
how about OP gives us a picture of A2 instead
This is an in-game screenshot of 2B's wet ass with the ass mod on