This is the Steel Ball Run of video games

This is the Steel Ball Run of video games.

Attached: Xenoblade_Chronicles_2.jpg (300x300, 40.46K)

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It's the Nadia: Secret of Blue Water of video games.

the Gundam ZZ of Xeno

The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 of video games.

I love how it's been out for almost 3 years and it still gets daily threads and it makes Zig Forums seethe everytime

Ordered it, it's arriving tomorrow. hype


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Wtf, is Steel Ball Run THAT overrated ??

Posting underrated kino

>gacha mechanics in a fully-priced single player game

by definition it literally isn't gacha unless there's real-world currency transaction
XB2's """gacha""" system is literally the same thing that RPGs have been doing since the 1980s
>enemy has a chance to drop a chest
>chest loot is randomized

I'm not sure where you've been for the past 3 days, but gacha mechanics are a good thing now.

What does that mean?
It’s my favorite game on switch and can’t wait for 3.

This is Terminator 2 of video games

Yeah, no. They clearly wanted to appeal to the gachashit audience with this. It's why they hired a bunch of guest artists to design the Blades to be as waifubait-y as possible and how there's summon cutscenes similar to most mobile games whenever you use your core crystals.

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>rare item drops is now gacha

Finished the game today. It's really weird but I liked it.
Post game I realized I completely missed Temperantia because the story made it seem like a one off thing for that boss fight, but it's actually a full explorable area with sidequests and shit. Not sure if I do Torna now or start New Game+ instead.
This is actually so accurate.

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The system is there because it fits the world’s lore about crystal cores and rare blades are actually rare.

No, they made the world's lore so they could include gacha, it's pretty obvious

>It's why they hired a bunch of guest artists to design the Blades to be as waifubait-y as possible
Actually, Takahashi expressed surprise when most of the Blade designs came back and that they were mostly female. Nothing in the ruleset he gave to the artists specified they had to be female, and he expected more monstrous designs for the Rare blades.

Note how many the rare blades designed by Monolith's in-house staff weren't cute girls.

I'm thinking this deserves a 2nd playthrough and 100% completion.

I'm pretty sure you posted overrated garbage.

What the fuck does that even mean?
These retarded bait threads don't even have any thought put into them anymore.

Hello Mim

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If anything, it's the Yugioh Zexal of video games.

>Comes right after a darker take on the series
>Younger protag than usual
>He meets a JoJo stand type of being
>They can combine their powers together
>The story is about his growth despite the fact the previous protags were strong from the beginning
>Protag is retracing the steps of someone related to him, but succeeding where he failed
>Obnoxious overrated catgirl character that's in love with the MC but doesn't win
>Tons and tons of parallels and callbacks to the original series
>Starts off incredibly bland and forgettable but gets interesting in the 2nd half

Well, he's not wrong.

Gatcha has nothing to do with "real" currency, it has to do with using "a" currency to roll for desirables.
>B-b-but then time is also a currency and ANY drop is Gatcha!!
No, don't be fucking retarded.

If your only drive to play the game are random drops yea.

It's Future Boy Conan, actually.

>war leads to the Earth being destroyed and covered in ocean
>some time in the future, boy meets girl
>girl wants boy to bring her somewhere
>bad people want girl for power
>the last remaining people live on islands
>that are slowly sinking into the ocean because of natural disasters and war
>the main character is a talented diver, swimmer and hauls things from the sea
>and many peoples' occupation are diving in the oceans and bringing back material from the ruins of earth
>main character learns the horrors of war and helps girl because he wants to find somewhere everybody can live in peace
>big military power on a desert wasteland that's quickly dying needs to conquer other islands to sustain itself
>huge pre-apocalyptic man-made object orbiting Earth which shoots light beams
>ends with them stopping a maniac from trying to destroy the world by reactivating an old weapon that sunk continents
>the last few minutes shows the fucking ocean receding and revealing a brand new continent for everybody to live on in peace and harmony, ends with them looking at the new continent from the distance

>it has to do with using "a" currency to roll for desirables.
That's not what gacha means, but I'll humor you.
So it's like opening a random locked chest with a key (one use, thus currency) in almost every JRPG?

Assuming the resulting drop from the chest is random, pretty much. I mean the concept comes from the idea of pulling a lever and getting random crap, whether you toss in a coin or a "key" for this shit to occur really doens't matter.

You need to be pretty fucking retarded to try and argue that XB2's blade system isn't Gatcha when it looks like gatcha, functions like gatcha and even fucking sounds like gatcha.
>b-b-but it's not real currency so it doens't count!
Get the fuck out of here loser, if you're stooping to dumb fuckery like this you basically just admit defeat.

Except it literally lacks the one thing that defines gacha and distinguishes gacha from random loot from a random chest.

Wasn't there another manga that was even closer? Like right down to the characters turning into a weapons, the main character's love interest being one, and him needing to take her to a magical place in a somewhat post apocalyptic setting.

It's the Genshin Impact of Nintendo

Elemental Gerard? But only the blade system is vaguely similar, and this kind of system originates with Jojo's stands regardless.

Regardless, "Young male protagonist helping a special female reach her destination" is as old as anime itself. Xenoblade 2 is closer to stuff like Nadia, Conan and Galaxy Express 999.

Nothing in the history of Xeno is even close to being as good as Steel Ball Run.

The only JoJo Xenoblade 2 is comparable to on any level is Part 3, because that was the part that introduced stands, and gave the series a much wider audience, but even that is a stretch.

I just looked it up
>The tale of Elemental Gelade is set in the world of Guardia where beings called Edel Raids co-exist with humans. Edel Raids (the first word of which is pronounced EL-Dell) have the ability to fuse with a human and become a living weapon. The story focuses on the adventures of a young sky pirate named Coud Van Giruet, an Edel Raid named Reverie Metherlance or Ren as she prefers to be called, and three guardians of an Edel Raid protection organization called Arc Aile named Cisqua, Rowen, and Kuea. Reverie Metherlance is set on journeying to the legendary land of gold called Edel Garden, but it turns out that she is a powerful and rare Edel Raid called the shichikouhouji which leads to many villains attempting to kidnap her for themselves.

Yeah, this sounds like what I was thinking of.

It's Disgaea 2, but way shittier.