Would you be excited for a new fallout game?

Would you be excited for a new fallout game?

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the fallout setting is shit
but so are Obsidian original settings

Sure as long as there's no Emil. He should just stick to writing side quests.

No more than just a little bit more than the other one that I would have done it before but I would like to have it for you


After The Outer Worlds? Fuck no.

>Would you be excited for a new fallout game?
By Obsidian? Yes.
Fallout 4 was a shit RPG. Bethesda clearly had zero interest in giving the player any RPG options at all.

I'd rather see what Obsidian does than continue to watch Bethesday remove the few remaining RPG elements from Fallout.

being excited for any bethesda game is a sure sign of brain damage.
always has been

>the fallout setting is shit
better get used to it, it's the future

Yes, noone else has made an elder scrolls/fallout3+ clone yet so theres no other competition. I would love if any other company would do it, they'd do it so much better than bethesda.

It the worst shit i ever played, fetch quests and 3 gun models, here is your RPG NERD

By Bethesda? No.
By nu-Osbisian? No.

what an absolute shitfest of a game

3 would be at the top if it wasn't for the last one.

>BOTW clones
>No TES/bethesdas fallout clones
Is it really that hard to make?

If it was made by anyone other than Bethesda and the shitty nu-Obsidian that made Outer Worlds then maybe.

I have no idea how anyone can put 3 above 4. Fallout 4 is literally "we're salty about Obsidian making a better game, so we'll attempt a poor copycat". The only good part about Fallout 3 was the architecture, and I doubt people like it for that.

>if you die in the tutorial, you have to repeat it all because "muh metagame story"
>bloodstain system that adds absolutely nothing to the game, but can make you lose your upgrades
I've recently became more aware of designers sucking their own dick, and Yoko Taro is down to the balls in "look how clever I am".

Who do you guys think is the best fit for a new modern-style Fallout game? I can't think of a company still in existence or not past their prime that can create a great RPG experience, AND with experience in first person gameplay except for Eidos Montreal, but I don't know if they'd be a good fit.

The average """RPG""" fan.

Attached: soy66.jpg (800x800, 91.87K)

I think it was the worst game I've played in the past 5 years, or so, from a studio like Obsidian. Everything about it was terrible, the visuals, the characters, the writing, absolutely fucking abysmal. What the fuck happened?

Say what you will but the fact that Sawyer directed NV makes him automatically based.

No but as a general rule of thumb I don't get hyped for anything even series I like.

A new Fallout game after Fallout 76?
A new Bethesda game at all?
A new Obsidian game after The outer Worlds?

No, I'm not a fucking brainlet with blind brand loyality so I know most of the people who made NV good no longer work there and also know everything after NV they've made was shit. PoE1 and 2 were horrible, and Outer Worlds was especially bad. Thinking back, maybe NV being a asset flip of 3 was a big reason for it not being shit, obviously ignoring the time constraints.
We don't need Fallout anymore, we even have Wasteland 3 now and its actually pretty good and I think 3 is doing really well for them so the next Wasteland will probably be even bigger.

Kill yourself.


>What the fuck happened?
As it turns out it’s not the company that produces quality games but the people working there. Replace those and the company will churn out shit instead.

More like Fagium

I'd just play cawadoody if I wanted to play a zoomie shootan game. There's no reason to be hyped when it's just going to be even less RPG elements.

Fallout lost its luster for me a while ago, even the games in the series I like I don't feel as strongly about anymore. I haven't cared about the series in a while, and I doubt I will care if they announce a new one, whether it's Fallout 5, or New Vegas 2 or whatever. The newest Fallout I've played is New Vegas and I'm content to keep it that way.

>getting excited for western games in 2020
