>"After all that we had done and accomplish, we deserve a break."
>"That we do."
>looks at you
fucking kino ending. Oh God I finally finished this game and it was a wild fun ride. Fuck this place for saying this game is bad. I'm so glad I actually tried this after so long. Both DLCs are top notch and all in all definitely worth the money(and it was on sale even). I definitely can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077 now.
The Witcher 3
Other urls found in this thread:
My interest in Cyberpunk came to a halt when I found out it was gonna be first person.
If Zig Forums says a game is bad, chances are it's a masterpiece.
Witcher 3 is undoubtedly the greatest game of all time.
Bro I'm not sure if you're new or something, the the only actual measure of how good Zig Forums thinks a game is is how many threads it gets after the first couple of weeks. The content of the threads doesn't matter all.
I don't think I've got this ending on both of my runs or its complete slipped out of my mind.
>dude this rpg has shitty gameplay
>Yo, let's have a deus ex thread
>yo, no, let's have a new vegas thread
>no, yo, oh no, we need another mmo thread
Never understood the hate for the gameplay. Literally all rpgs have shit gameplay unless it's From Software. Turn based gameplay isn't gameplay, so don't bring that up.
Man if I trusted every bullshit that Zig Forums says I would never play half of my favorite games, anons here just shamelessly lie or say the most retarded things that just come to their mind without thinking. I only browse Zig Forums to stay informed about vidya, any opinions I read here mean nothing.
Unfortunately 2/3 of CDPR left becuase of better job offers/shitty working conditions, so CP2077 is likely gonna be shit.
But yes, TW3 was a fucking masterpiece, in B&W I got the ending wherr Henrietta got shanked and I liked it a lot, made everything feel so much real than Disney ending bullshit where they reconcile or whatever.
Play Yakuza 0, it is larger than life.
can't wait to play Cyberwitcher 2077
It's the end of B&W where you drink with Regis before going home.
Yeah I chose to let Syanna be forgiven because she's cute and her backstory justified it I guess. The four knights killing I mean, not the Beauclair massacre but that was just Detlaff being butthurt.
how did they manage to fuck up the third act of the main game? Act 1 is so kino, the wastelands of Velen, the crime scene in Novigrad, visiting Skellige for the first time ... then the battle at Kaer Morhen. But the third act is just so anticlimactic.
Also, I was kinda disappointed that the Wild Hunt are fucking elves. They were so much less spooky after that.
but yeah, both expansions are great. they even have the better waifus for the coomers.
Yeah, that ending is literally perfect, can't imagine a better one.
>I definitely can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077 now.
TW3 went through a shit-ton of patching and two DLCs before it ended up being this good, so it's really a tossup if CP is going to be good. I'm vaguely hopeful.
TW3 has great parts but 30 hours of Velen/HoS/B&W don't make up for 70 hours of Novigrad, Skellige, Oxenfurt and the Wild Hunt
I think it's because in Act 1 there is a lot to do and a lot of side quests that tie into the main quest and have repercussions on the fight at Kaer Morhen.
By the final act almost all that stuff is done and the story becomes much more linear.
you just have low standards
I like Novigrad what are you taking about. Mostly because I grew up in the big city but the feel of a fantasy town with markets and non-humans genuinely interest me. The ink arts on the intro to the city cutscene was great as well.
I unironically thought this place was cool because of the whole "we are anonymous, we are unbiased" and I actually argued with my friend saying TW 3 was bad because of all the meme reasons this board posted. No more, I see it more clearly now. Fuck this place.
It looks nice but if you're actually paying attention to what's going on in the moment then Novigrad is 20 hours straight of walking back and forth around the city, from map marker to map marker, very occasionally interrupted with a shitty bandit fight.
Skellige at least goes back to what's interesting about The Witcher (aka witchering) but the writing is way less interesting than the Bloody Baron part and by that point I'm always too drained from the shitty Novigrad arc to care any more
>Fuck this place
At last he sees. Zig Forums has pretty much always been sifting endless shit to find the gold and its only getting harder.
"Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact" applies to the entire site.
It's a great game with some flaws.
>Novigrad slog, though only if you do all the side quests (Priscilla, Triss, Radovid murder plot) at once instead of pacing yourself
>weak story once you gind Ciri even if Kaer Morhen is top comfy
>Djikstra suddenly turning into a retard, fuck that stupid choice between him and Roche&co, it's the worst thing in the story
DLCs are more then fine, HoS in particular is fucking great.
>Djikstra suddenly turning into a retard, fuck that stupid choice between him and Roche&co, it's the worst thing in the story
This was admittedly one of the dumbest parts of the entire game. Djikstra wasn't an idiot; at the very least he should've waited for Geralt to be out of earshot before announcing his betrayal for all to hear. Stabbing a witcher in the back is not a good idea.
I remember killing him and seeing him drop a parcel, but the cutscene teleported me out of the arena, so afterwards I ran back to pick up what he dropped to see if there was maybe something interesting... he dropped a chicken sandwich.
You did finish the game with the Manticore armor, loose hair, Iris and Aerondight, right?
Prove it Zig Forums...
Kiss me.
It feels like they had something else in mind for that storyline then had to find a new way to wrap it up soon before release, it's just so stupidly written and rushed.
Having the sly, experienced and CRIPPLED spymaster personally fighting 2 blue stripes with only a handful of shitty goons while their witcher pal is right there makes no sense. And he also knew Geralt wasn't acting like a typical witcher.
That and the Wild Hunt are easily the worst parts of the game
>yfw all the missions that expanded on the Hunt were cut so we're left with a group of generic bad guys written by the same people that wrote Jacques or Letgo.
This is the only correct answer to this question in the thread. Newfags and tourists please leave
I feel you, I went in apathetic and next thing I knew I was playing it every single day, not thinking about anything but Witcher 3. By the time it was finished I was so depressed. It really wasn't just a story like RDR 2 for instance, it was a genuine immersive experience that I think no other game has ever done. The only downside is the main game was clearly unfinished toward the Ciri parts.
The game did cinematography, camera angle, dialogue, pacing, plot better then 99% of movies.
I agree that Skellige was a welcome change after Novigrad. Exploring, taking on proper monster contracts. Also Cerys is best waifu.
I had to take breaks from W3 and play other games just to stop fatigue, Novigrad was a real slog of WHERE'S CIRI.
I reckon it's to their credit that the bad parts stand out so much. Exploring the giant's island in Skellige was just great.
>believing Zig Forums
Surely nobody could be that stupid, right?
because Wild Hunt was the urgency, they pushed you in first and second act to find and defend Ciri, but in 3rd act there's no sign of their presence, they just patiently wait for you to ask Avallac'h to skype call them and show them the middle finger, 3rd act lacks the feel of urgency that filled 1st and 2nd act
The combat was like a shit fable knockoff and fables combat is already awful
Cyberpunk threads say otherwise
>I definitely can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077 now
Bad combat
Witcher sense
My 2 cents here, but the problem of Novigrad for me is that the main quest in the area is definitely a slog. I like Dandelion as a character and he is a very funny character, the problem however is the part where you have to save him. And remembering the steps Geralt needs to take to save Dandelion ranging from finding Djisktra's gold, helping Yen save the mages, interviewing tons of people whom Dandelion interacted with, finding the dream mage so she can dream where Ciri and Dandy is, infiltrating the order and that god damn stupid play to draw in the shapechanger is just... ughh...
Oh I also forgot the damn gangs. Yes, Novigrad is interesting but damn was it a slog.
I literally stood up and clapped, then the whole bus clapped, professor looked stunned, class gave me a round of applause.
Bravo Nolan!
>ME:A is a masterpiece
>Pokemon Sw/Sh is a masterpiece
>>ME:A is a masterpiece
>>Pokemon Sw/Sh is a masterpiece
Broken clock etc
fuck you. i didn't lose a fight for 40 hours.
Thread theme:
>shit combat
>mmo style quests
>batman sense shit dominating most side quests
>novigrad is just endless talk to X, bring A to B shit
>wild hunt are awful enemies for being build up so long
>all the tension leaves the game after geralt finds ciri
>boat was in skelige goes at a snails pace
>the entire third act
>side quests padded out by a million of the same shitty dive underwater and battle the shitty swimming mechanics
>game looks awful most of the time
>game economy is fucked since you can hoard broken swords and become rich in no time
Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle
It’s fine liking it though, I mean there are still retards out there that love Skyrim
>I unironically thought this place was cool because of the whole "we are anonymous, we are unbiased"
There. There we fucking go. Retarded normalfags like you come here for this shit and bring your shit taste with you. And that's why we have all these people defending latest AAA garbage and claiming everyone else is just contrarian and looking for "another tortanic".
Fuck this place indeed. It's done.
Felt TW3's OST was disconnected from that of TW1 and TW2 but damn that song is easily one of the best ones in the game.
>Broken clock etc
Not an argument
Most of Zig Forums loves to shit on vidya in general but you cannot deny that there's a fuckton of times where everyone predicted how shit games would be when they released, and as always : sales != quality
Imagine if they remade this game with combat that wasn't atrociously bad
Would it be the GOTY of all time?