Are ya winning, son?
Are ya winning, son?
I'm confused as to why he would do that whilst living with his parent(s). Surely that would've been a obvious problem he'd worry about.
Do Americans really
he's a German, they find crossdressing hilarious for some reason
Are you enjoying that video game I bought you, wife?
Why didnt the father fuck him right then and there? Is he gay?
Where did Gen X parents go wrong?
This is why I lock my door and keep my outfits in a box
> doesn't even knock
what did he expect? to find his piece of shit zoomer faggot fuck his wifes bull?
Hi Ho, I'm a dwarf
I'm a grown man
I'm fulfilled
I have a partner who I love
I have a career
but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss them. I didn't even get to say goodbye
The way he holds his hands to his chest like a girl is unbearably cringe holy shit
Because they see trannies as a joke. The wrong side won...
This. Fuck him like the slut he wants to be.
ya tell em fella nothing wrong if dutch tries the old in out in out with a fella in a dress
why do redditors speak like this
They knew, user. It's okay.
And you never really do stop missing them. But missing them becomes a fonder activity, over time. The pain becomes less.
I'm sure they'd be proud.
Link to video with audio?
i miss rdr shitpost so much
Imagine failing this much as a father. No doubt killed himself from shame later.
he just says he's a streamer and it's for the lulz
Would you support your daughter if she was trans and wanted to live as a girl Zig Forums?
My parents used to make me wear shit like dresses and headkerchiefs sometimes and then take pictures of me wearing them and laugh their asses off because it was funny to them, since crossdressing is frowned upon here, this sorta stuff is done more as a "mean joke" or to somehow humiliate someone they didn't know i was actually turned on the whole time though
yeah prolly. i don't like it but they're free to do what they want once they're an adult i guess.
No, I don't support mental illness you sick ausfag
>No, I don't support mental illness
But you post on Zig Forums?
>live as a girl
>Mods killed the racing thread for no reason but leave this shit up regardless
hola reddit
no because he's a boy. The only support he'd be getting is medical support from a doctor that rightfully recognises gender dysphoria as a mental disability, and advice from me about how to avoid tranny groomer pedophiles.
>No, I don't support mental illness you sick ausfag
no. fucking abomination.
however, if my son wanted to just become a cute boy, i'd have no problem with it. go suck a dick, be bisexual, crossdress, whatever else but just don't fucking transition for fuck's sake.
based caring dad
based Apu
Yes then fuck the shit out of her, literally.
In an instant, unironically
The dress is one thing, but why the shorts? Why the beard if he crossdresses?
typical inferior white man
No, he'll be thrown out and disowned like a feral animal
No, only white people believe in that dumb shit.
>the constant glancing back
holy ffuck
Imagine the smell
I would kill it