Name a single game with soul that was made on this shitty engine. You can't

Name a single game with soul that was made on this shitty engine. You can't

Attached: unreal-engine-4-422-update-information-preview-re_feature.jpg (1280x720, 35.74K)

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thps 1+2



Yoshi's Crafted World.
Ace Combat 7.

Have two because you're a double nigger.

i can't,because it's UNREAL.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

>99% of people are talentless drones who can't even dream up anything interesting let alone make it
>people blame the tools just because they're slightly more accessible

Code Vein.

Ace Combat 7

Attached: 1548473172655.png (1920x1080, 3.76M)

>10 replies
>OP is still undefeated

Deus Ex
Unreal Tournament


Fighting EX Layer, you double nigger


Attached: 1506387407634.jpg (800x1116, 265.14K)

unreal engine FOUR you spastic

hat in time


How do engines actually work? I feel like every time a game is made in unreal 4 you can just automatically tell by its effects but I would’ve thought devs made those assets themselves

Some assets are taken already from engine, others are made bramd new by the developers, sometimes new assets are made by modifying existing assets


Also any UT game pre 2007

Amid Evil

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 351.84K)

Octopath Traveller

Four Goddesses Online

Post Scriptum

The engine is basically providing you with a framework to build on top of. Since everyone using UE are working with the same framework their assets are going to end up sharing similar traits.

Samurai Shodown.

Unreal 3 had plenty of soulful games, even if they all looked similar visually.

life is strange was soul

>PC poster
Only real cool people mail in their responses


Attached: HUmmer.png (1373x919, 619.55K)

Dilate Valvetranny

Attached: Unreal Engine 4.webm (1632x918, 2.9M)

unreal tournament 2004.

Fortnite. the most popular game.


steamie gonna seeth

Attached: Basedooooooooooo.png (603x852, 462.7K)

remember when games back in the day had their own respective engine?

Now everything is made on one, theres bound to be influx of soulless

Original Gears of War

Attached: GEARS OF WAAW.jpg (1280x720, 159.09K)

>blocks your path

Attached: Screenshot_20201008-233529_Gallery.jpg (1080x2220, 1.28M)