Tell me why you don't think modern MC has soul and I'll tell you why you are objectively wrong

Tell me why you don't think modern MC has soul and I'll tell you why you are objectively wrong.

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How slow and barren updates are

The world generation sucks now. No area has any variety.

>slow updates
>(((voting mechanic))) rigged by autistic streamniggers
>color map of grass and foliage memed down to an unsaturated mess to look "muhr raealistick"
>get raped by several new mobs when just trying to build
>H U N G E R
>combat mechanic is still uber tier shit
>enchanting, level and bookcase grinding is boring
>world generation looks like a soulless mess
>game tries too hard to be a Terraria RPG
>everything feels like a soulless mess of bad design choices
>isn't about the MINING and CRAFTING anymore
glad you can pick a version from the launcher, which one is your favourite? mine are beta 1.5 and alpha 1.2.0_01

Minecraft nolonger fills the house with the smell of dirty socks.

Did you even play old minecraft what...

But I do think modern MC has soul user.

How slow and barren updates are
The last update from 1.12 and up have been huge, Mojang is stepping up their game. The nether update is phenomenal.

>slow updates
One big and one small update a year for a 10 year old game is pretty nice
>(((voting mechanic))) rigged by autistic streamniggers
Cringe, glowsquid one because the other two are retarded
>color map of grass and foliage memed down to an unsaturated mess to look "muhr raealistick"
There is still ugly neon grass like in alpha. It's just that now grass and water change color depending on temperature and biomes, and imo it looks much much better than ONE color for the whole game
>get raped by several new mobs when just trying to build
People have been wanting new mobs since the first day of release.
>H U N G E R
Yeah? Don't sprint, your hunger won't deplete, it's a tradeoff. And don't tell me that a 2 second eating animation every 30 minutes affects the game.
>combat mechanic is still uber tier shit
It's fucking minecraft, what combat mechanics do you want? Who the fuck plays combat in minecraft
>enchanting, level and bookcase grinding is boring
You can completely ignore it and play as in alpha. I think making an xp farm and getting a fully enchanted netherite god gear is peak soul and fun.
>world generation looks like a soulless mess
If you just want crazy and nonsensical generation, they made an entire mode for underaged fucks like you, it's called amplified. Having coherent generation with actual biomes is better than a broken mess with deserts in the middle of a mountain
>game tries too hard to be a Terraria RPG
Explain please.
>everything feels like a soulless mess of bad design choices
I need specifics here user. Every single thing they added fits the game perfectly and expands on the simplistic formula.
>isn't about the MINING and CRAFTING anymore
More things to mine, more blocks and more things to craft. If it isn't about mining and crafting, what is it about user?

>700 minecoins
What? I haven't played since I got out of elementary school like nine years ago (imagine playing minecraft past elementary school lmfao), but those "minecoins" sound soulless as fuck. Kys, OP.

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They put forests in the nether.
Shit shouldn't grow there.

plants exist that don't need any sunlight, look it up

also why are you looking for realism in a game with a fucking dragon and zombies

Fucking modders can add more and deeper content than mojang did in shorter amounts of time. Mojang hasn't been adding deep updates but rather bloat that a modder could've made significantly quicker. Like the mob votes, there is no reason they can't just add all of them and instead have the votes determine something else about the mobs, perhaps rarity.

The fuck are you talking about

I know exactly why they did it. Suppose you got into the nether and then ghast blew up your portal, and all your tools broke down. What would you do? Die and respawn in overworld. But now you can actually make full cycle tools in the nether too (except diamonds ofc), there's even food growing in nether now.

tl;dr casualized for zoomers

(((Windows 10))) edition

still looks like shit, ruins the look of the nether

Except not a single mod keeps the soul of the game. Caves have been modded for over 8 years, yet not a single one comes close to what Mojang is making with 1.17. Same for the nether, done tens of times, not a single one comes close to the 1.16 nether.

>Mojang hasn't been adding deep updates
What would be a "deep" update for you? The aquatic update completely changes the water, pretty deep imo.
It cannot be bloat if everything can be ignored.
>that a modder could've made significantly quicker
And? The game is 10 years old and they update it for free. They have 2 different versions, a huge fanbase that wants different things, and said there will be one big and one small update per year. Also it's not about just dumping new items, it's about adding them will keeping the soul, which every single mod remoevs.

I think the warped forests look fucking god tier, same for the other biomes and adds much more soul to the nether. And now you have a reason to go there.
I play java.

I don't think the game has had soul since beta got released cause beds just completely ruined the dynamic of the game. Buildings have 0 practical purpose because you can just skip nights. Alpha was kinda shit too because there was nothing to do but nowdays even with new content everything is so static and lifeless that I'd rather just play with legos. I know mods can fix this to some extent but if a game needs +150 mods to not be complete shit then the base game has issues

>cause beds just completely ruined the dynamic of the game.
How the fuck? The simple fact they can be ignored means they have no effect on the game. In my current HD world where I beat the dragon I haven't yet built a bed and nothing has changed.
>even with new content everything is so static and lifeless
What can make it less lifeless in your opinion? They added villagers, they added cool biome specific mobs like polar bears, pandas and parrots, they completely reworked the oceans so you have thousands of tropical fish and ocean monuments. They added more interactions with NPC with the the piglin trades.

there is something funny about the hell dimension being livable now

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What was the point replacing Pigmen with Piglin instead of just improving Pigmen?

Having the Piglin and Hoglins is odd as the Nether was not just about pigs.

god damn imagine wasting half of your day to cope this fucking hard

>I haven't yet built a bed and nothing has changed.
Yeah on your own you can ignore the beds but it's still a really overpowered feature and fundamentally bad game design.
>What can make it less lifeless in your opinion?
Villagers are complete shit because by themselves they are incompetent at anything and need constant babysitting. They have no agency over themselves and don't do anything beyond planting crops. New NPCs and features are nice but they don't do anything by themselves.
In a game where the goal is to simulate a world it doesn't do much of the simulating. Everything that happens is a player choice. Mobs don't breed on their own. Forests don't spread. Weather has no effect beyond a tiny layer of snow. Biomes don't matter for shit cause there isn't any heat or weather mechanics beyond water freezing. Seasons don't exist. You never have to adapt to the environment you're in. The whole thing is completely static and most features are just eye candy.

Justify the shitty hunger meter and I'll tell you why you're wrong.

I think I don't need to argue more than that

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Minecraft never had soul. It was always an autism simulator for people who hadn't their fill with legos. Game barely has any content and if you want any - install shitload of mods and maybe then you will have something to do in it.

Atomic cope

Minecraft lets you select the exact version you want to play. If you don't like the new updates you can simply ignore them.
This whole discussion makes no sense, the game is as soulful as it has always been because of that. Just play whatever version you enjoy the most.

Is there any texture pack that actually makes the game look like that cover art? I find similar ones but none get it fully right

It's not because you can ignore it, that it doesn't mean it's not bad
That's just swiping shit under the carpet

So not updating the game would be better?

>no arguments
>u're coping!!
Leave and stay leave please.

I'm no Minecraft fan personally, but OP is fucking you hard. Imagine only replying with SEETHE and COPE to that kind of reply
It's the best way to declare for the world your anus is getting dangerously ravished by delicious, big black cock

Atleast argue back instead of saying how Jamal is using your boyhole

There shit I want in or mods who need a specific version
Let's not talk about the hell of playing in multi
For example, I find the elytra balanced and want the mendings tools so I'm fucked either way
And I'm not asking much like some fag in Zig Forums does, as long as there an actual original use on the survival gameplay, I'm ok with it
I'm ok with bed
I'm ok with potions
I'm ok with elytras

I'm not OK with polars bears, bee, dogs (as shitty as they are), bad new world generations, new mobs who looks like it was made by a modder in 2012, and the future ores who officially useless

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>still a really overpowered feature and fundamentally bad game design.
It's a quality of life thing. If you want to build during the day, why wait 10 minutes during the night? Minecraft is not about difficulty or challenge and never was.
>The whole thing is completely static and most features are just eye candy.
Look at how hard people are sperging out over the most minor things. People are bitching over fucking BEDS and you're telling me they should change the game so drastically that it is no longer recognizable? Beds are bad but spreading forests are not?
>there isn't any heat or weather mechanics beyond water freezing. Seasons don't exist. You never have to adapt to the environment you're in.
So completely irrelevant changes that have 0 effect on the game are terrible but you want to turn the game into a fucking RLcraft like RPG?

They added hunger because they added sprint. Don't sprint, boom, hunger doesn't deplete. Also a 2 second eating animation every 30 minutes is nothing.
Literally one of the most irrelevant complaints about Minecraft to date.
>Everything that happens is a player choice.
Isn't that the point with sandbox games?

I came back after 10 years not playing and I'm pretty overwhelmed with all the new stuff. Pretty cool game now