Should Smash's competitive scene stay dead?
Should Smash's competitive scene stay dead?
Its not dead, and it should never die
with ultimate's shit online and the lack of tournaments it's basically dead for the moment
I kinda feel bad for him, he told everyone on the Internet about his darkest childhood experience and it was all for nothing
No, they need to all catch the 'rona.
desu he talked so much shit he kinda deserved it
Any person 18+ who plays Smash belongs in prison.
It should be reborn with a new format including all items and stages
it's managing to stay sort of alive even with the rona, it will come back stronger than ever
I wish Nairo and Keitaro came back. Who cares that Nairo fucked that fruity queer Captain Zack, or that Keitaro fucked some teen whore! They had the best streams and best YT content and now I can't even see Nairo play fucking Steve, I'm fucking pissed enough to go rape Captain Fag myself
Ultimate? Yeah.
Melee? No, it will continue.
Considering most pro Smash players are in jail, yes
ITT Manchild franchises
Why does Smash attracts so many pedo faggots?
Hating fire emblem is a sign that you are a pedo
Just look at byleth's release, the number of pedos in the smash community increased at the same rate people disliked byleth's reveal video
Yes. Smash was literally never intended to be competitive. Sakurai created Smash specifically so it could be a kind of multiplayer combat game that was much simpler and more casual than fighting games after he felt bad about beating a girl in KOF. Smash compfags will deny this.
I'm gonna say Melee and its rollback online is doing just fine, but you're gonna say dumbshit about soap in response.
>He pretends this is not a problem across all of the gaming fandom.
We started exposing the poisonous nature of gamers and the gaming scene nearly a decade ago. Why does it take you so long to acknowledge that gaming is full of fucking faggots?
Who fucking cares? I bought the game, I play it however I want to play it
What's this? Hackurai gave me to option to play without items and only on certain stages? WHAT??? Disabling 99% of the game features actually made the game actually more fun to play and makes me feel like I'm playing against actual humans instead of CPUs? What's this???? This party game actually has an insane amount of technical depth? And there's a bunch of other people that like playing the game with the same rules as I do???
I don't care if competitive smash was an unintentional mistake, it's beautiful and it's here to stay whether you like it or not. Regardless, you're not forced to play the game the way I prefer to play it. You can just play it on the baby default settings and quit playing after 1 month because you got bored, and then boot it again for 5 hours every time a new DLC character comes out because that's how kids are entertained these days
Play a real fighting game like Street Fighter or Tekken you absolute faggot.
it should've never existed but better late than ever i guess
Are people still playing Melee? From what I gathered, most of the top Melee players are refraining from playing it given how the minute differences between online and offline is enough to thoroughly fuck them over when offline tourneys are back.
>muh real fighting game
Did I ever mention that smash was a fighting game on my post? You can play competitive in lot of different game genres user.
And besides, I ain't touching real fightan games because I don't want to invest on an overpriced arcade stick on something that I might not even enjoy playing
Sakurai has clearly come to terms with the fact there's a competitive community and has even tried to implement features in 4 and ultimate that help out that side of the fanbase. The one in denial is you.
You know it's possible to play Smash competitively AND play other fighting games? I have a few 3S tourneys under my belt alongside a few Melee and Ultimate tourneys and one Smash 4 tourney.
Stay fucking mad, faggot. What even is your problem? Ohhh no these people don't see life 1:1 like I do and their opiniona and interests differ from mine! A BLOO BLOO BLOO BLOO.
Grow the fuck up.
hey kid, want some 'special tokens' hmm?
The scene is at its third renaissance right now and the Gods are getting old. Everyone is still on their dick, but it's not because of them that the scene survives.
I got BTFOd by a 14 years old last year and I'm 31. New blood keeps pouring in the scene.
Zig Forumsirgin faggots keep memeing about Melee when they clearly never participated in the scene. They're parroting sheeples who want LE EPIC FUNNIES so they talk shit about Melee based on what they heard on this garbage board.
Melee probably has more active players now than ever. Smashladder is mostly dead, but rollback is kicking.
Tourneys are still being held with top players participating.
Is Zero still being a faggot and hiding
Like I thought he only got "cancelled" because he was talking to a young girl like ten years ago
He's allegedly getting help for his.. crimes? I don't even know. He literally did nothing wrong, he was just fat and unattractive and the girl thought that was incredibly offensive so she accused him of rape.
Where is ANTi now?
>Smash FGC
A literal menagerie of pedophiles, a who's who of slime, mew2king is next I imagine. He actually looks like a creeper
M2K proved his innocence by showing his mangled cock on stream.
Zero probably moved back to Chile, he did say he always wanted to get out of the Smash community anyways. Though I wonder how he’s making a living considering all of his money came from making Smash content.