why is it so empty? it is fun when you're interacting with stuff but why make the world so large with such poultry amounts of content?
Why is it so empty...
The only fun part of exploring is checking out neat geographical landmarks and that's it. BOTW sucks ass.
>still seething about BotW
I dont even have a switch but its one of my favorite games for triggering vaggots so much.
>it is fun when you're interacting with stuff
Correct, it is
> but why make the world so large with such poultry amounts of content?
"haha lets make le gaem where u intrakt with chest and thats it it isnt a rward xD"
Neck huhself
Why do people want theme park attractions every 5 feet? It's trying to be a world, and it simply isn't special to find a point of interest every little bit. Not everything needs to be littered with map icons like Assassin's Creed.
It's not empty. A bit samey maybe.
I doubt it would get the complaint if they split the Koroks into like various sets of 200 different things. Same with the Shrines - maybe 50 Shrines as we know them and the rest are more old ruins restored by tech and elemental stuff or whatever.
because I like my games more gamey and less realistic
I cannot believe there arent more games with less humans in them, more pecular weather and physics, ect
besides an argument for realism falls pretty flat when Link has knuckles the echidnas powers
christ I hope casuals dont take over this industry
And people say BotW is going to be forgotten about when Zig Forums even now is still this mad about it.
I actually think a great way to judge the quality of a video game is by how much it triggers virgins on Zig Forums.
Go fuck yourself stealth Snoyfaggots.
Is cyberpunk 2077 going to be the greatest game in human history ?
this shit is just a big conspiratorial meme, it isnt that good and it will be forgotten wehn the next ones come
I still don't get the appeal of this game , I found odyssey to be much better
Skyward Sword is better
exactly, OP here and this is what I am saying, botw was like a collect-a-thon with all the movement and physics, but it lacked the cohesion of one, all the items & abilities
it would have been way better to have more locations inaccessible without powerups and upgrades
Me? A snoyfag? Not in a million years. I just have good taste in games, and BOTW is insanely mediocre for how much praise it received. The year is 2020 and people are still sucking off Nintendo relentlessly.
I like this game but I don't think criticism such as in the OP should be disregarded as invalid or seething. It's got a lot of space that is very underutilized, koroks and weapons that are the same as all the rest filling out your stash aren't terribly rewarding and it has a critical lack of compelling sidequests with acceptable rewards (seriously the best any sidequest that isn't a shrine quest will do for you is a paltry amount of rupees or a fucking dime a dozen craft material). The real game to BotW is a shrine hunt with pretty vistas and fun maneuverability tying it together, which is pretty good, but a lot more could be done with it.
It blows the soulless chinese gacha ripoff out of the fucking water though.
because they needed to push the game out the door for the Switch, it was originally a WiiU title but the console tanked
you can tell they took what they had in game assets and made it open world to compensate for not having much content
Rational thought is banned on Zig Forums
>It blows the soulless chinese gacha ripoff out of the fucking water though
rent free
It's stock full of content and vistas.
I don't know where this meme originates.
>still seething
>Ubisoft tier collectathons are now content
lol sage
Thats not what rent free means retard.
No arguments, and you still have no idea what you're talking about
even Assassins Creed 2 feels more immense so
>AssCreed fags
I should've known.
Enjoy your linear movie games with tick-box padding.
>no one mentions the gacha which should not be named
>except the nigger obsessed about it
Yes. Yes it is.
I really enjoy BotW but I have a feeling that BotW2 will be so much better that BotW will look empty and medioce in comparison due to them actually filling the map with new stuff and adding subterranian dungeons and stuff
>poultry content
There's pleanty of fucking content, there's always something interesting in your line of sight, just because you're too much of a pea brain to go to it doesn't mean it isn't there.
Woops, meant for this nigger
AC2 has influenced so many games, botw hasnt got that acclaim, it didnt innovate, nobody wants melee ammo in a video game ever again
everyone prays that botw is just a smudge to wipe off history
>poultry amounts of content
As Genshin Impact threads fill Zig Forums and retards/shills/trolls continue to act like it can be favorably compared to BotW, its relevance to any thread made to criticize BotW is implicit.
It sounds as though you don't even like genshit so I'm really not sure why you're trying to gotcha me over it in the first place.
You seriously make it so fucking obvious. Snoy is fucking screwed and Nintendo as always is still consistantly winning. BoTW is easily one of the best games of all time and yet you're shit Snoy movie games are forgotten. Stay mad.
an incredibly bland stew of gaming tropes