How are you holding up Zig Forums?
How are you holding up Zig Forums?
I've spent over a hundred hours in the past 2 weeks being a drunk boislut in vrchat. So. All things considered? Pretty good senpai.
Life's stable; living by myself with a steady job, but it's looking bleak. I have no interest in a career, no local friends, and I am afraid I'm wasting years of my life and will regret it.
Vidya serves only as an escape, and I'm too conscious of that to just have fun nowadays.
Everything's just sort of grey I guess.
Not in amy mood to talk about it
Wish I had fren
Good, just bored at work with nothing to do.
I heard she fucks her teacher for good grades
I’m trapped on a ship and 25% of the crew has covid
sink the boat, save the world!
Just got off work but I’m working this weekend no escape and no gf. I’ll just go home and play my neckbeard roguelikes i guess
Will you be my bf?
tfw no gf aside, i am bored because i don't know what games to play, tell me some good games guys
you dont live in australia
get a hobby
gaming is not a hobby
accept me FR ya clown
ill be your bf
Clarity has shown me my faults, my wants, needs, and that if I do not take control now, and continue on a path of no control, of lazyness, of just doing nothing and being the same, moving through each day without a thought or care in the world, then when I finally do decide to do what I want to do, it'll be too late to do any of them. Yet I am still being held back by what i've been doing for the past years, all those awful habits, and a decent junk of irrational fear, that as I change something bad could happen, but it's already happening because I ain't changing. I have to change for the better, and it has to be now, and not waiting for the "right moment"
I've been a NEET for almost 10 years
Yes! But I'm already your BF! (Best Friend!)
Almost a wizard
Kissless, handholdless, hugless, talkless virgin
Is there even a not-shit Zig Forums Discord server or anything nowadays? This board's community is a schizo mess and I feel like only 30% of posters really belong here.
turned my life around a few years ago, went back to school, got a cool job that pays well, moved to the city and got a gf. I guess the problem is now I'm never satisfied. I always want more. If I'm not doing something that isn't somehow improving myself I can't relax. I work out 10x a week (cardio and weights), work 5 days a week and I have more free time than ever thanks to the WFH apocalypse. I just can't turn my fucking brain off. I think I've developed some kind of OCD.
You need kids.
Most people are awful.
Generally speaking people who don't want to post their steam names, or play games with other posters are the shit ones not worth your time.
The people that do post their names, invite codes, w/e are worth your time because you get a chance to play with them and get to know them.
Eventually you'll find like minded people who aren't psychos or paranoid lunatics with a victim complex that jump at shadows that don't exist.
Working a dead-end job with zero hope of a future.
More pertinently I've been reflecting on the butterfly effect's applications to socio-political arguments while waiting for Deep Rock Galactic to change their weeklies over.
shit man, maybe you're right
good luck user, you can do it
Marry your girlfriend and become a man. Level up and all that.
There’s a cute girl named Tomoko who works at my local garage. I’m kind of glad my car is a shitbox because it means I get to see her more often.
>trump didn't die from covid
>9001 high dollar doctors sold their souls and worked around the clock to help him bounce back
>he didn't realize he's mortal
>he didn't realize money is useless when you're dead
>he didn't realize you can't take it with you
>he now uses his richy rich experience as a base for how life works for everybody else
>he's even less worried about the virus now
>nobody gets aid now
Thank god I still have my guns. I'm going to need them for the coming events.
These blog threads are fucking shit, kill yourselves
Just gotta become friends with the people who aren't, it's a tough task, but the end result is worth it
Thank you, I hope I can do it and enjoy life to it's fullest.
I’m not
I'm already dead retard. Posting from hell at the moment.
>have kids
Literally the worst life advice ever.
Source: had kids
Where do I find these fren?
We were supposed to be getting married this year but it got postponed due to 'rona. Next year will be my year.
>anons just talking, getting shit off their mind
It's normie assholes like you that ruined this website.
>never gonna have a friend due to no fault of my own
autism sucks
GL user.
Make your own and become a based schizoposter
From games you play, places you hang out. Gotta talk with em and see if it all works out or not, no other way, learn about the interests you share, what the other likes, that kinda stuff.
I'm ok. I rarely play games that much anymore but I played some good otomes. Interested in seeing how broken Steve can be, but I don't play Smash that much either. I'm grateful for what I have
My parents keep bothering me about getting a job
It's so fucking annoying
Don't they know there's a deadly plague out there?
What will you do when your parents die?