How would you fix Mega Man Battle Network?
How would you fix Mega Man Battle Network?
doesn't have to be fixed, it just needs a new game out
Make each zone 5x5
More chips
Open World
Make it an MMO-FPS.
don't fix what ain't broke
Replace it with Legends 3.
Got you covered.
I like the cut of your jib
When are we going to have real netnavis?
Doesn't need to be fixed.
They already did it with One Step From Eden, which has made a great work since it's a good clone of Battle network.
Altought yeah, they should just release a new game.
Again, pic related will be the best you'll get.
make the start of the game a bit more interesting, having to fight weak pickaxe fuckers for 3 hours is what stops me from replaying the series more often.
>Online play
>Custom Navis
>Add eroge elements
Wait the fuck is this?
A mockup made by some rando on twitter.
>SSR with a 2% rarity
yeah, this really is a dream game lmao
What is this gif meant to convey?
I think OP is insinuating that they are making a new MMBN.
I'm still mad that MMBN6 gave Mick a generic navi that you couldn't even battle against like how it happened with Dex. As much as I love that game, the game totally failed in the S O U L department
Tab should've had Auto.exe as well.
Crossover with medabots with navis being piloted like medabots and being able to take and add parts
Jesus Christ
How rushed was MMBN6?
that's pretty low compared to some games on the market, genshills have made you think that 0.6% is normal while in reality it's pretty much the lowest you'll find.
i am going to try this game out since it's free, is it good?
Bit more effort in dungeon design, most of them feel far too generic.
It still has a long way to go.
BN's dungeons only started getting good in its final installments.
Very, they had to copy + paste leg sprites between the different crosses because of time limitations.
Still has the best gameplay of the entire franchise.
The story ended at MMBN6. The best you'll get is a new MMSF game.
>story has ended
nigga no one cares about that and the devs themselves certainly don't. In fact Capcom has shown more interest in a potential BN revival than anything Star Force related as of late.
battle network collection when?
fucking capcom, i fully expected them to announce it during tgs, but nothing.
TGS is a snoozefest, I don't think Capcom has a history of announcing their shit at the TGS, especially not in the last decade.