On the Digital Foundry 1 million subs stream, the DF team was talking about the whole scaling and graphical disparity subject that resurfaced today due the PS5 teardown, and John Linneman said this:
«I think people will be surpresed in a good way. I have been hearing some good things about that PS5. It's not triple but it's close.»
Meaning that PS5 is almost x3 times more powerful than we thought !
you do know that he means PS Triple right? it's a meme. Where's my boy Chad Warden at?
Connor Thomas
>chad warden intro Kek
Noah Roberts
>Prefaced this by saying they haven't had a PS5 hands on >Makes a PS Triple joke Somehow you heard him say that the PS5 is three times as powerful as the stated specs. How did you accomplish this?
Thomas Cox
what he really meant is, kino games are coming, on top of what's already announced. Can't wait to have this PS quintuple. Sony always wins baby.
David Murphy
wait, I thought we were memeing that series x has no games this week?
it's so fucking tiresome to keep track of consolewarring sometimes
Easton Martin
And my console has 60 petagoobleflops
MY console - 20.6 (as I claim)
20.6 x 2.9 = 59,74
Source;my ass
Oliver Powell
I'm pretty sure they mean that ps5 is the weaker console but it won't be ps3 levels of disparity between multiplats.
Adrian Bailey
I’m a Sony shill and even this is too much. OP is retarded
A flop is a floating point operation (per second). A teraflop is a lot of them.
I just realized that every game console processor prior to N64, including NES, Genesis, SNES, even its same-gen contemporaries Saturn and PSX, couldn't do those and therefore all clock in at actual 0 on this scale, which is funny because it's treated as an objective power measure today.
Camden Sanchez
Sony should opt for 1440p and stable fps on ultra details. Fuck 4k. Of course thst looks better but I rather have 1440p with high fps and high details instead of 4k 30 fps and low details
Aaron Jackson
Meanwhile Xcuck SeX is burning down your house trying to achive 12 tf.
I wish this fucking housefire in a box would just release already and then snoys can get btfo'd by how it's 0.67 the power of a sexbox.
Ian Williams
Flops refers to the processor's specific operation though, which is a fixed set of operations from a list. It never does one of those even if you create an equivalent with some math and logic, it's still making a series of integer-based operations.
Brody Turner
We know xbox got no games but this is about the upper powerful PS5.
James Cooper
>2060S >sonyggras thought it would rival a 2080ti or even a 3080 oh man, how much cope are we going to need to deal with after it's revealed that 0 games run in 4k on the ps5?