The study was conducted from September 23 to 25, 2020, using a sample of 511 US-based respondents, representative of the US general gaming population.
Among them, 15% said they managed to successfully pre-order a next generation console. Within this group, 72% went for the disc edition of the PS5, 30% went for the Xbox Series X, 10% for the PS5 digital edition and 8% for the Xbox Series S.
People weren't really falling for this boards anti-Sony sentiment, where they? Sony fucked Microsoft so bad for the last seven years that they're still having to build back the brand. They'll do well this gen, but Sony are still coasting comfortably.
Dominic Richardson
Microsoft’s retarded Console naming System will be their downfall this holiday season.
Levi Johnson
>511 people
One of the most irrelevant surveys I've ever seen. Console preference has literally come down to factors such as race. If most of the respondents were black that explains the results. Either way what a terrible metric. Why don't they just ask Amazon for pre order numbers.
Jason Reed
So Sony will never learn their lesson and stop censoring games, then?
>15% out of 511 is 77 >72% of 77 that got a PS5 is 55 >30% of 77 that got a Sex is 24 This is apparently a significant sample size, I mean that is a 2:1 ratio so it checks out I guesss?
>511 people in the US >representative I can't wait the snoytears
Julian Garcia
It is very unlikely it will sell 2:1 in America. Especially considering the past month has been nothing but good press for Xbox compared to current gen in which everyone hated the Xbox One
Aiden Harris
>related searches
holy kek
Oliver Turner
How do we stop sony, third world bros?
Caleb Rodriguez
>This xnigs really thinks trashbox has a chance OMG HOW FUCKING RETARDED
Dominic Diaz
Same for here in Europe I've been subscribed to amazons series x page to email me when there are more open for pre order and I haven't got an email yet since the day pre orders launched which was like 2 weeks ago. It's a myth because too many people want one.
William Rodriguez
I live in a country with 10 million population and if someone claimed 500 people is a significant sample size everyone would laugh at him..
Colton Ortiz
I know amerimutts are stupid but would they really buy a console with no games?
Angel Campbell
No, microdick just produced less units than snoy, according to many reports, including ms themselves.
Brandon Miller
>according to many reports I can't link
Jaxson Scott
Xbox One had a better launch line up than PS4 mate. Midcycle is what matters
Michael Hughes
>using a sample of 511 US-based respondents >511 All these studies are such a fucking joke.
Nicholas Watson
Not true at all. In fact MS allocated more series x than anything else and its still sold out everywhere. There were more series x up for pre order than PS5s which made some analysts even speculate Sony wasn't ready for launch because of the piss poor allocations to the point retailers here flat out cancelled all pre orders because of the shit allocations sony were giving them.
Lucas Johnson
So do you laugh at the fact that the questionnaire sent to scientists only included like 100 about climate change? Probably not. Inb4 it's completely different science drumpf
Josiah Cooper
I wish I could get paid to conduct a "study" like this.
Zachary Rivera
Only 15% of that 511 pre ordered a console. The sample size of people who actually bought one or the other is more like 75 people
now imagine the numbers in Eurostation. holy smokes
Levi Bell
Cope lol
Survey proves you wrong ? Just blame it on niggers lol
Nicholas Smith
People will ignore this and keep the thread alive until 300 posts later.
Liam Brown
If every console has sold out of pre-orders, what is the purpose of this 'study'? If there are no more PS5 and Xbox consoles available to preorder, then what are they tracking, how many were manufactured in time for the release?
Adam Howard
Yeah why don't we ask 500 leftists for trump approval ratings. Such a reliable survey amirite
Julian Mitchell
511 people polled 76 people said they pre ordered a console 54 people pre ordered a PS5 7 people ordered a digital PS5 That's literally 10% of an already tiny sample size
Aaron Jenkins
>bringing up something completely different is an argument 500 is not representative in any way.