PS5 accounts for 72% of US next-gen pre-orders

The study was conducted from September 23 to 25, 2020, using a sample of 511 US-based respondents, representative of the US general gaming population.

Among them, 15% said they managed to successfully pre-order a next generation console. Within this group, 72% went for the disc edition of the PS5, 30% went for the Xbox Series X, 10% for the PS5 digital edition and 8% for the Xbox Series S.

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Based, Sony always wins baby.

We got too cocky xbros :gush:

People weren't really falling for this boards anti-Sony sentiment, where they? Sony fucked Microsoft so bad for the last seven years that they're still having to build back the brand. They'll do well this gen, but Sony are still coasting comfortably.

Microsoft’s retarded Console naming System will be their downfall this holiday season.

>511 people

One of the most irrelevant surveys I've ever seen. Console preference has literally come down to factors such as race. If most of the respondents were black that explains the results. Either way what a terrible metric. Why don't they just ask Amazon for pre order numbers.

So Sony will never learn their lesson and stop censoring games, then?

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>15% out of 511 is 77
>72% of 77 that got a PS5 is 55
>30% of 77 that got a Sex is 24
This is apparently a significant sample size, I mean that is a 2:1 ratio so it checks out I guesss?

Not so fast snoynig, Series X is sold in hte US

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>I mean that is a 2:1 ratio so it checks out I guesss?
Not in burgerland. If it comes to a 2:1 ratio in muttistan then xbox ist toast worldwide.