>Excuse me sir, you dropped your mask
Excuse me sir, you dropped your mask
Y-you too
>Decrease breathing above water.
I fucking hate wearing these things all day and I'm glad I can work from home.
They still make “gamer” junk like this? If this wasn’t a mask it would be some serious 2011 shit.
Thanks for reminding me that americans LITERALLY are requred by law to wear cuckmasks
Thanks good sir!
In these times we can’t be too careful. Stay home and stay safe!
in melbourne australia the police choke and body slam white women because of not wearing a mask in public
Literally none of this is true
face masks offer you zero protection
Armor 0
Weight 0.1
Value 1
>reducing the spread of viruses is a political statement
do they really?
it is a pretty cool mask desu
if i see some faggot wearing that mask im going to frank hassle the fuck out of them
>he wants black things near his mouth
I've now know 5 people who've contracted covid from work or going to parties. Even if a mask does nothing, I got a places to go, and I'd rather be safe then pay hospital bills up the ass for months on end. I think I'd rather die quietly in my room then deal with that.
The funny thing is that ever since I started wearing masks I NEVER GOT SICK ANYMORE.
Like normal colds and other shit I'd get at least twice a year, hasn't happened. I haven't coughed or sneezed in so fucking long.
If it helps against shit I KNOW I can get from other people, why not help with the fucking corona?
>hospital bills
what's the point of censoring names on twitter screencaps?
to make it safe to post on reddit
Reminder that there is no virus
Yes they do here in the UK if you actually want something done, especially nowadays when all the NHS hosptials are empty due to the covid nonsense.
No need to get jealous user, I just want the black mask, you can keep all the black cocks to yourself
There is a virus, it's a bad flu with some freaky aspects, it's certainly not neccesary to do all the crazy shit that is being mandated regardless of where you live in the world.
enjoying some fake news, i see
>death after 28 days
when did trump get the virus again? just curious.
ah shit man, which camp did they fall into? 99.996% survival or 94% survival? Remember the latter only applies to those aged 65+
There is no evidence for the virus other than
Illness is your body detoxing. Germ theory is a hoax.
Noooo there’s 33 strains! You need to wear 33 masks or face 33 years in the fema camp.
As someone who has to wear a face cover at work, thoughnot willingly, I can tell you all straight up that everyone is damn sick of these face diapers. They do nothing, don't work at all, and are now championed by smug, boot licking leftoids that foam at the mouth if you don't want to breathe your own mouth stank. Everyones thinking it, they are just to scared to say it out loud.
Section 8 brain
>every country with a mask mandate has the worst case numbers by far
they totally work though trust me bro
>Reduces Personality by 50 points
>breathe your own mouth stank
Brush your teeth you fucking mush mouth rodent
post the one with the pool
fucking murricans
victorian police are really fucked up
fucking faggots
Leave it to americans to make a huge deal out of something so silly.
Placebo effect. My dude, wearing a face mask doesn't protect YOU, it protects the people around you from your germs.
One of them was a girl in her mid twenties that died from it allegedly, not that I care. But the rest all fell into the 3k hospital visit just to get tested and treated camp. A price not worth it, I'd rather deal with the social retardation of mask mongering then shill for shitty treatment.
>anecdotal dead people is your entire argument
>posting fake shill actors
You're gonna get sick this week.
I haven't played Skyrim in about a decade so my memory's rusty, but it didn't do this rarity shit, did it?
>covid isnt real bro, the thousands that died from it are just fake news
Why are americans like this?
Your mental illness isn't your brain detoxing though. Take your meds
>Why are americans like this?
Because they have freedom of thought
this one?
They're bugmen like china
they would litterally kill themselves for their immigrant based economy
Are those real? Please tell me those are real.
People are sheep and politics is full of hypocrites. Wow, such a fucking shock.
I feel like very few people have been paying attention to politics or the history of politics for the past 50 years and are falling for the same 2 faced bullshit they've been selling us for decades. There is no fucking way that if you payed attention between 2001 and 2016 you would miss the massive pile bullshit both parties have been selling.
Deaths stats don't stop me from driving a car so
Of course I got them from reddit
you know that 'mouth breather' is slang for a complete fucking idiot right?