Play Wasteland 3

I will not ask again.

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Zig Forums told me it's a sjw tranny game so no thanks

>right-wing faction leader ends up being completely right
>can kick out free-loading refugees without a guilty conscience
>all the female faction leaders are completely insane
>first character preset is a straight Aryan couple

Waiting for a sale.

there was nothing of the sorts in it, i really likes it bar the hurrendous crashing

But I did.

I kinda wonder if there is a way to fuck up the ending or if there is a way to a greatest possible ending. The culmination of my choices ended up pretty satisfying but I'm curious if that would have happened no matter who's side I took.

I find it weird that there were so many 10/10 boss themes, but none of them were for the final fight. Personally, I think Battle Hymm of the Republic should have been for Angela, and Down in the Valley to Pray for Saul.

Amazing fucking game. Best CRPG in a long time. Only weakness is that you can cover all your bases mechanically if you play right. That being said the mechanical completeness might be good for some autists who need to 100% everything. The story however is next level good. All the choices suck but you can manage if you try to get something that resembles a good ending.

The Patriarch is one of the most interesting characters in recent memory. He is basically the future of the Wild Card Ending of NV. What would it look like if a high level PC won and then got old.

The whole history of colorado is written as if someone was putting a positive spin on all the dirty shit the PC did on the way to saving the world.

Must be a bug, or some randomization. Down in the Valley and Battle Hymn both play.

Do I need to play one and two?

literally the opposite of true. I didn't see one progressive anything in the game. The closest you can get is the machine commune and thats REALLY stretching it.

Entirely unneeded. Literally everything you need to know is that in wasteland 1 there was an evil AI, in wasteland 2 the evil AI came back and the rangers had to blow up their own base.

The only thing else you need to know is that all of the original PC team from the first game is dead except Angela Deth who came back as a mentor character in Wasteland 2.

If I recall, Down in the Valley plays when you let Lucia kill her boyfriend, and Battle Hymm plays when you rescue Ironclad Cordite.

Probably the only issue i have with the game is that there's not enough long dungeons. There's some for sure but the mechanics are so enjoyable i just wanted more. Aspen was fucking amazing in that aspect.

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I think the Gippers triggered a few Boomers.

Machine commune is a direct democracy. Pretty unnerving faction regardless because this setting already has PTSD about rogue AI going bananas.

Is that the human faction leader from Endless Space 2?

They do but I could have sworn that there was a repeat on some of the songs. Though I just checked and a choral version of AMerica the Beautiful plays for the gril and there is nothing for the guy. Sad.

The fucked up part is that the Gippers are pretty wholesome as a community. Nancy 2 and 3 are nice people and really only nancy 1 is a piece of shit. Plus 99% of their problems come from the fact that the Reagan AI is starting to go Senile not active malice.


I was hoping I could kidnap Reagan and put him in my car and They would join my base or something.

Try again, but this time ask nicely.

>have a melee character
>level 8, 27 armor
>get one shot by alien doggy
bug or what?

> Play Wasteland 3.
> I will not ask again.

how did you ask without a question mark?

Crits. Protect yourself from them and your survivability will go bananas. There's a cybernetic module that makes you immune to critical damage.

Remove the Womyn and give me the dlc already.

>Remove the Womyn
It’s an RPG, you can do that yourself.

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>not knowing the difference between a demand and a request.
why are ESL such idiots?

That flag is displayed wrong

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wow this is autistic

its called being patriotic, kys lib cuck.

Why would you be proud of America, though

Im an Airforce techsrg.

Ill forever be proud of my fellow right wing americans.

>israel amerigolem

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I don't support israel, who do you think we are bombing with drones.

Because of all the things we made.

You've got no room to talk if you're a European.

>Was expecting the King of Colorado to be a complete asshat and getting ready for the inevitable double cross.
>It never came, he was on the level and as good as his word.
Still killed the slaver he had locked up in his bunker but that was mostly because slavers can go fuck themselves.
Sure he has made some really bad descisions but he is currently the only one that keeps Colorado functioning, I think he should reign the marshalls in but they work for now.

Not Israel.

Their enemies. Our military has been their attack dog since 2001.