This might be the worst weapon in the whole series

This might be the worst weapon in the whole series
>Shit damage
>Shit range
>Slow in whip form
>Doesn't interrupt enemies
>Gay design
I switched to Hunter's Axe and holy fuck what a difference, what the fuck were they thinking with this

Attached: Threaded Cane.png (408x409, 118.48K)

i dontgocjnow abnymro im so tired of it
i just wanna paly blodoborne for the first time again i miss my friends i miss having friends

It's the meme spec, like how you go deprived in dark souls because you start like a caveman

it gets good later in the game and since you've been playing with a gimped weapon all game your skill with it will also be good

That there’s nothing like styling on a gang on wolf men with your chain cane? It’s also the only weapon that’s both serrated (for beasts) and whatever the fuck the other type of weapon is (holy?) it’s been so long I can’t member


get gud faggot

I mean, its a fucking cane and a goddamn whip, you should know its going to be shit from the get-go.

>It’s also the only weapon that’s both serrated (for beasts) and whatever the fuck the other type of weapon is (holy?)
No. Church Pick is the same too, despite having a vastly superior moveset.

threaded cane wrecks crowds

Oh I never knew church pick was serrated it doesn’t look like it at all. Yeah church pick is the better weapon but the threaded cane user, the style.

Sounds like you have low insight.

*has the best moveset in your path*
Seriously tho, i killed both Orphan of Kos and Lady Maria with this on the second try. Its light attack lunges you forward so you can close the distance between enemies whilst attacking at the same time.

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>it gets good later in the game and since you've been playing with a gimped weapon all game your skill with it will also be good
Basically this. The cane's moveset is versatile as fuck and it can shit on everything once you get your build going properly, but like a lot of dex weapons it kinda sucks dick right out the gate, which results in it getting unfairly slept on since a lot of BB's difficulty is frontloaded.

It's a weird choice for a starting weapon because it only does damage after several upgrades and skill investment for better scaling. It's actually good once you get the hang of it because it can cheese a lot of enemies and bosses (Amygdala, Paarl and Ebrietas are just pathetic if you're using the cane) and basically does everything other than blunt damage.

*L2's in your path*

Attached: The HMS Slap Your Shit.png (397x402, 96.54K)

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I prefer its big brother.

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>nobody has posted the Kirkhammer yet

wanna know how I know you suck penis on a daily basis, user

Attached: kirkhammer.jpg (1514x2048, 348.07K)

>when the greathammer is faster than most DS1 weapons

Attached: 1571179043172.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

This might be the best weapon in the whole series
>Great speed
>Great range
>Fast in sword form
>Hits multiple enemies
>Elegant design
>fits perfectly with the top hat and coat
I switched to Hunter's Axe and holy fuck what a difference, it was boring as hell and I switched back to Cane

Attached: 8eab047743414dc386dbea217f612033.jpg (474x412, 31.86K)

>shit range
>doesn't interupt enemies
Did you just start your first playthrough or something? The whip's range lets you kite pretty much every melee mob in the game. It also has crazy crowd control. The sword mode is plenty good for stunning enemies because the whole game is designed around aggressive R1 spam. It has fast dps, great for enchanting in late game.
Only thing bad is the damage is underwhelming until you can upgrade, but skill weapons aren't based on big dick damage anyways.

coming thru

Attached: Ludwig039s_Holy_Blade.jpg (250x251, 10.77K)

Look, it's the most boring weapon in the game.

Transformed it's also thrust, so it's good against kin and beasts both.

Lady Maria it's easy but Orphan of Kos is very hard. It's weird that you died against Lady Maria, it's a battle that you can gain by letting her do her autistic shit then shot her and spam R1

Hunter's Axe does so too and is way better at it.

Yeah but it makes you feel like a castlevania character

Cane has top tier crowd control, especially against beasts since tricked mode is serrated.

It's actually my 2nd run, on the first I used Saw Cleaver and then switched to Kirk Hammer, the cane just feels extremely underwhelming compared to those two

Reminder than it’s the weapon DSP used to beat Ludwig after being stuck on him for years.

>Is actually the best weapon in the game
Git gud op.

LHB is the way

most boring weapon goes kirkhammer > LHD > tonitrus. Braindead movesets with no creativity whatsoever. If cleaver/saw where each the only one it would be fine, but saw spear makes the cleaver pretty boring as well.

>there will never be another FROM weapon as creative and fun as the parasite

- vomiting attack
- jumping tongue tentacle
- broccoli head
- ayysploding
- makes you move like a puppet on strings

FROM peaked.

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