Oh you wanted to be Iron Man? You wanted to be Thor? Sorry but you gotta be this indian chick because of your privilege.
Oh you wanted to be Iron Man? You wanted to be Thor? Sorry but you gotta be this indian chick because of your privilege
good thread.
Sure, Kamala is cute!
Do people really have an issue playing as her? She works for the narrative as the audience POV/fish out of water to get you into the mix. I can't expect people to have read the comics but she's been around for a bit now and is moderately liked as far as new superheros go.
Kamala is cute
Kamala may have dumb, stupid opinions about things but I really wanna impregnated her, so its ok.
>and is moderately liked as far as new superheros go.
lol no. Her comic sells like shit
The game is a bomb.
Finally a magnum hand for my magnum Dong!
Iron man sucks to play.
The only fun characters are Thur and Widow
I'd fuck her stretchy hairy minge till the break of dawn but i'm not buying your game disney
Ill wait for a crack thank you :)
Kamala grew on me, I thought she was a super dumb fucking retarded retard brownface brownhead but eventually I shifted into thinking she was a cute but total dork. I love dorky girls.
Being forced to play Kamala in a few section is a literal non-issue compared to the rest of the game.
>She works for the narrative as the audience POV/fish out of water to get you into the mix.
She's yet another meta lolsorandumb Whedon quipper character. Fish out of water my ass. To be a fish out of water would require her not to be completely casual in the face of danger and "oh so wacky".
lame super power that are even more limited by level design and lazy developers
But I like her.
>Ill wait for a crack
its an online service game lol
Iron Man doesnt actually suck but he requires too much from his abilities than his combos.
Every comic sells like shit, they do not matter in the slightest. Comics are a breeding ground for merch have have been for decades.
>Do people really have an issue playing as her? She works for the narrative as the audience POV/fish out of water to get you into the mix. I can't expect people to have read the comics but she's been around for a bit now and is moderately liked as far as new superheros go.
guess i wont play it then
Holy shit what a snowflake
all the legacy comics from numarvel flopped
Is there any push for her in movies or is she just stuck in the comics and videogames?
I don't like how anime games force you to play as some shit OC instead of the actual characters from the source material; I guess it's the same here.
She looks so fucking dumb, holy shit. It's that pose supposed to look imposing with that dumb generic face and that even dumber cartoonishly oversized hand? Don't make me laugh.
Of course Zig Forums likes her now that they've seen that others don't. You cunts are far too predictable.
Well obviously, the main character is a muslim.
There’s none of her yet, but... I wouldn’t put it past them. They did claim that Captain Marvel is going to lead the MCU from here on, after all.
It's even funnier given how Zig Forums claims to be anti-corporate and Kamala was clearly designed by a committee, like a non-ironic version of Poochie.
They did but like I said, it literally does not matter. As long as one of them succeeded they will end with a new character to sell figures or backpacks of. Normalfags don't care about comics but they will think female Thor looks cool because they don't know how awfully written she was and maybe buy a funko or something of her.
theyre making a show with her
the actress is ugly
You can play as Iron Man and Thor though.
TV series and there's talk of getting her in movies. They're pushing the fuck out of her and Miles because they're POCs that people know and it's a new market to sell shit to.
>She works for the narrative as the audience POV
This is not a fucking movie, you do not need a "pov character"
Must suck to be doing a Marcel game under the thumb of Disney
>want to make cool superhero game
>but have to shoehorn in next gen hero as center of game because the original heroes are retiring on screen
Funny how Fortnite gets away with it. Bastards even got Blade. Guess the Chinese really does make the mouse bend the knee
I want her to stretch into her giantess form and stomp me to death barefoot
Marvel is pushing her to replace Spider Man as the face of the company.
She's even leading the Avengers right now.
>every single thing on that cover
Jesus Fucking Christ. Fuck Marvel forever, seriously. I'm fucking done with their shit.
She’s casted
dios mio
kamala harris
Yeah, the Chinese are the ones who love Muslim superheroes, that’s gotta be it
Fuck... first I’ve heard of it and I’m just as disappointed as I thought I’d be.
I didn't mind the character but what bothered me is how unimaginative they got with someone with stretchy powers
And if you couldn’t tell from the picture, she’s got a body on her, and not in a good way.
>right now.
>literally years ago in a series that bombed harder than her cousin in Fallujah. Everyone on this panel has now been replaced, shelved, or given a mediocre title where they can let it die softly
They’re pulling out all the stops this election
I wish she looked that cute in the game. She looks like a clone of the girl from mass effect andromeda on release.
Oh sure, you weebs are okay with MHA but not with this. It’s essentially the same thing.
>0.5 mouse dollars have been deposited on your Marvel dot com account.
at least she looks somewhat like the character, unlike fucking Cass in Birds of Prey. I'm still mad.
>iron man
They don’t, that’s why they’re pushing it on their enemy, stupid. Wouldn’t it make you feel great if all the Chinese were gay pedophiles?
Las Americas fueron un fallo
if this was made in the 90s she'd be enbiggening her boobs as a shield, this game sucks
shounen is garbage for children, like comic books
>not liking Kamala
Maybe suicide is the choice for you OP
No she doesn't. This shit was years ago and lasted a whole 2 issues.
I wanted a new Deus Ex