action taimanin is a video game
Action taimanin is a video game
hentai game?
They should just make an fgo clone. Would save the franchise and boost popularity.
the western release is fucking gimped right now with only the three playable characters. i uninstalled until they release more.
>actually wanting more Gacha trash to pollute the industry
Commit get what you fucking deserve.
Doubt it.
taimanin battle arena is basically this. i wish they'd release rpgx in the west since it's an actual video game.
When's Rinko? A good chunk of the costumes are in for all the characters so far but where the characters at?
>Orccumdumps the game
Play Genshin Impact!
she was the first character to be added in the jp version
so should be soon
Can I play as a latex titty ninja in Genshin Impact?
But sadly not one worth playing
Give me orc cum tinged with virgin blood pouring down on Yukikaze's glorious mane or give me gacha shit
I hate Genshin character design, too bland
>He thinks by simply copying fgo will give you billions
Recommend me some Taimanin stuff to watch/read
>not genshin clone
Get with the times gramps
>not just making a worthwhile game sold for a flat price with no microtransactions
(You) are what’s wrong with the industry.
It contains no porn, they're trying to make a clean break and pull a Fate.
This. It's rated 3+ in Google Play for fuck's sake. What's the point of getting a porn IP if there's no porn in it or at the very least softcore/ecchi/fanservice shit.
secondaries obsession with defending chink impact is pretty amazing, to think that 5 month ago you wanted china's head on a pike for making those poor hong kong protester sad.
It's true social media make you a spineless npc in the end.
>at the very least softcore/ecchi/fanservice shit.
like what?
they could atleast create an optional patch for the PC version
How long until Rinko and Yukikaze's mom are added to the game?
>released alongside Genshin Impact
dead on arrival
Taimanin Square 1989 protests documentary
PC or Android version?
Well do you want to play with your fingers on a small screen or with real input devices on a bigger one?
Well the later obviously. Didn't know if the mobile one had controller support. I'd rather not have it on my Steam history.
>not having a second account exclusively for coomer games
Will I catch a STD if I play as her?
Is she the most powerful character?
she makes my dick the hardest so she must be
Me on the left
are you helping the poor ninja escape?
>It contains no porn
No porn at all or no porn outside of japan? I could've sworn I've seen some cg made by Aoi Nagisa that shows Yukikaze in that wedding dress outfit from the phone game getting fucked.
The wedding dresses weren't inventend for Action.
Another taimanin gacha, not this one
that's RPGX
Is Lily in the game?