Why do devs do this?
Why do devs do this?
midir is impossible. fuck him, and fuck everyone that claims they beat him.
>What is sense of scale
Imagine being this stupid in 2020
>oh no I have to move the camera
Maybe barbies dress up adventure is more your speed, champ.
hit he head
*pestillent mists and/or uses any strike weapon*
wow so hard
Why not?
if they wanted actual scale they would have done it first person. If they want third person scale done right they zoom right out. See SOTC.
Imagine being such a fucking zoomer that you don't even know video games
your screen is not big enough
>Scale can only be done properly in first person
Yikes, and you call me a zoomer.
Again, imagine being this fucking stupid in 2020.
>Why do devs only show a small portion of an extremely large enemy while keeping the camera relative to my camera. IT CAN'T BE TO SHOW A SENSE OF SCALE, DIRECTLY COMPARING YOUR CHARACTER TO THE ENEMY. NO, IT HAS TO ZOOM OUT TO MAKE YOUR CHARACTER INFINITELY SMALLER SO I CAN [[SEE]] HOW BIG IT IS.
You literally need to be hand held in order to make your retarded brain go "it big bad, i no cuz big bad and me small"
funny enough, i hate the opposite. seeing people play games like wow where the camera is pulled back a fucking mile and everyone is a little particle throwing ant is the worst.
>actual scale
learn to read, no wonder you are failing your english classes. With your reading comprehension no surprise you also have no concept of perspective
Literally my favourite boss of the game. Many bosses you can just defeat by dodging on reaction, but this one I felt like I actually had to learn the patterns to properly fight.
Not to mention he looks absolutely great.
>learn to read
>reading comprehension
>Tries to say anything about it despite having no punctuation and zero proper grammar.
>actual scale
My friend, you can't call anyone stupid when you're trying (and horribly failing) to somehow differentiate "scale" and "actual scale". Scale is scale, you fucking dumb ass nigger. You can say "Actual scale", but you're still referencing SCALE no matter what.
Fucking amazing how someone can be so stupid and yet act so smug.
>strawman yikes
zoom away
It's even worse in Dark Souls 1, literally every boss is towering over you and you can't see shit.
People have beaten him using a torch at SL1, you just have to git gud
>Zig Forums brainlets don't understand why not being able to see what the boss is doing may be a problem
And what point did I make that was a strawman?
Please, I'll wait.
>mfw i was struggling with this boss and summoned a rando to help me with and he spawned in with no armor and styled on the boss until it died
thanks man. I'll never forget you
You can see Artorias, Gwyn and even Manus pretty well
both me
I learnt all his tricks and when I beat him it felt fucking great, and I have ADHD.
If you play on PC, the first person mode is great for big enemies. And pretty fun in general, I loved it and make me wish Elden Ring would have an official first person camera.
Yesterday I fought Demon Firesage and i couldn't see fucking shit. Most bosses are significantly bigger than CU, and when you are hitting them in meele, you usually don't see what are they gonna do.
To make you feel like the odds really are stacked against you.
Eh? The only one I remember having that problem with was Seath, which was easy enough, and the Chaos puzzle.
He's very easy, so it doesn't really matter, the problem is with DSIII and Bloodborne those games have big bosses who are difficult, the only boss who's like that in DS is Kalameet and he's small for a dragon
It can be fun, and playing a bit of MonHun helps
you are a brain damaged retard
Hit it until it dies
Every boss in DS 1 is easy, so their scae doesn't matter in the end, but it is anonoying.
Surprisingly, Midir didn't have this problem when i fought him. I wonder why, may be because his attacks were too obvious or may be because of his big arena, but i actually didn't have much problems with seeing what he was doing, the problem i have now with DS1 bosses.
>play unlocked
>tilt camera up
It’s not like it’s hard to lose track of them
>Every boss in DS 1
The only hard one is Kalameet if you want to cut the tail with a not so good weapon
Just don't summon.
No seriously. Don't summon for these giant bosses.
It's important to be able to see your character to make calculated gameplay decisions.
But it would be absolutely fucking kino if near the end of an action game in which camera distance had stayed at consistent distance, you got such a huge fucking boss that it zoomed way out. At that point in the game you should already be familiar with controls and actions of your character, so you should have no trouble adjusting even if you couldn't see your character that well.
I play unlocked, thantks to stupid rolls.