New Hitman games

Do the recent Hitman games (2016 & 2018) have soul like the old ones (Contracts etc) or are they modern disappointments?

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They don't have soul. But they are a hell of a lot of fun.

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To me they seem like a natural evolution of the Hitman formula, great games

They lack the soul but the gameplay is still fun

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They are very good games. Play them.

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they lack soul. jesper kyd soul

>Written by sjw faggots for sjw faggots

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why do they feel the need to put this token crap in? genuinely don't understand other than the petty attempt to score woke points.

Because otherwise they'd be swarmed by rainbowhairs at the level where you have to kill two black women as a white ubermensch male.

The first Assassin's Creed had this message in it, man. Its not wokeness so much as it is companies being paranoid whenever it comes to their media representing other countries. Trying to appeal to the largest possible audience isn't a new thing.

the gameplay has some improvements (and a fair amount of downgrades too)
but yeah they are soulless as fuck, it's so disappointing.

Played 2 recently, lot of fun, liked how there's at least 4 methods of killing each target uniquely

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They are good. Don't go expecting Blood Money 2 tho. That game will never be topped. Perfect blend of all the good things from the first 3 games with QoL improvements and insanely good levels

my problem with the new games is opportunities
even if you disable they're still active and require you to do a bunch of arbitrary shit in a specific order to get a certain outcome, while in blood money it was more "freeform"

>The first Assassin's Creed had this message in it
Because it was set during the crusades which is still a controversial subject to this day

And it just said it was made by multicultural teams with various religious beliefs

>please don't start a hate campaign because our MC kills dezens of pajeets

>Because it was set during the crusades
it also practically outright states that the bible and quran are full of shit and jesus was just using a magic item to do the wine-water trick
funny how pozzed the series has become from that.

The latter.

gameplay is comparable to moving cinematics

are they going to make physical copies of Hitman 3? So far they only advertised digital pre-orders

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They're great. The 'soul' in the previous games basically amounted to the Jesper Kyd scores (which were admittedly fantastic).

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lmao, fuck off please Kotti. I hope they never remove head turning.

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>resident contractstranny with REAL HITMAN PLAYER WANT.JPG
You showed up.

They're alright but all the fun equipment is gated behind some shitty fucking mastery system which forces you to grind missions over and over again to earn rpg exp to unlock shit. It's really aids.

It's legal cover for having the grand total of three Israeli targets in Season 1. Somehow, 47 hasn't squared off one of those before Hitman S1.

stop using this meaningless buzzword

They don't have soul like the old ones.
They have soul like the new ones.

soulless post

Actually they put this message in so that trannies and pakis don’t rage on Twitter when you have to kill a non-white non-Christian character

The same message is on the ass creed games.

they stated they're going back to a dark atmosphere for 3

Ubisoft started this with Ass Creed.
They were making a game which depicted non-american cultures so they were worried retards will spaz out and put that in to stop that from happening.
Now only Zig Forums spazzes out.

Hope this helped!

>They have soul like the new ones.
so not at all?

they're also deathly afraid of having VAs put on accents like they did in the early games, so in Hitman 1 regardless of where you are in the world, everyone speaks in an american accent (usually it's kenny from the walking dead)