I need a suggestion for a game that i can play for like an hour while i go to work on the bus and come back, i was thinking about something like Harvest Moon or similar, what are your suggestions?
Comfy gba games
ever play minish cap? it is relatively short compared to other zelda
Golden Sun is alright if you like RPGs. If I recall correctly it lets you save at pretty much any point outside of battle, though someone might want to verify that.
super robot wars og 2 is very comfy to me, you can pretty much save any time
I miss when EVERY god damn franchise had an RPG game on the game boy
Sonic Advanced 1 is cool and it has a tamagotchi like chao garden.
Final Fantasy V Advance
Yes it does, makes it easy to stop whenever you need to
this, also ff4 for the advance
>Old good
>New bad
Are the other two titles connected to the first one or it's like the Final Fantasy games?
but with feeling!
Donkey Kong Country
They are connected. In fact the second one is very directly connected, supports save transfers from the first. It's pretty much a continuation of the same game.
the lost age is a direct continuation.
the ds one is...something else.
Okay good. I had memories of using it to grind RNG like the Tolbi fountain.
Also if someone here sells gba games, link me your Ebay account or something, i live in the EU
reatard, just buy a cheap flashcard with microSD card
I’ve been replaying Kirby nightmare in dreamland. It’s been very comfy and easy to play in short bursts.
which one do you suggest?
do your own research faggot
Play Sword of Mana
why are you rude!!
You guys are high tier retarded.
Get a newer handheld and hack it. Then put emulators on it. Then grab a shit ton of ROMs.
I have a N3DSXL and it has every NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, Gamegear, and Genesis game on it. And I have a DS flashcart, with a ton of DS games on it. And dosbox, with some dos games. And of course, I also have a ton of 3DS games as well. I will never live long enough to beat all of the games I have on that one handheld console.
It's like you guys are completely new to this shit.
I've done exactly what you've said for years and while it's amazing, I did recently buy a modded OG GBA with a backlit IPS screen and rechargeable battery along with a GBA flash cart. Original hardware has its perks
>Original hardware has its perks
Such as?
Kirby and The Amazing Mirror
Advance Wars and Fire Emblem
Defeating Quickman.exe on phone with touch controls is fucking impossible.
>NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, Gamegear, and Genesis game on it
How did you mass inject those? You're not gonna tell me you did it one on one, are you?
Pokémon Emerald and Fire Red/Leag Green, Medabots RPG, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Megaman Battle Network 1-6, Golden Sun.
These are all fantastic.