Wouldn't it be better if the launch a collection for other systems? I'm not sure if this product fall into the category of retro gaming. The dreamcast had amazing games and offered me the best gaming experiences of my life, but who would play these when they have a system like the switch or the ps5 or the xbox? Unless it would be extremely cheap. Whatever they decide I hope all the best for the company.
SEGA's new mini might be the Dreamcast
What kind of lineup would even be on it? DC had very few games of actual quality.
>dreamcast mini
i wish it would be able to play actual dreamcast discs but that feels like asking for too much
Theres plenty of stuff. I already played almost all of them so I wouldn't be interested.
Soul Calibur.
Skies of Arcadia.
Chu Chu Rockets.
Phantasy Star Online.
Crazy Taxi.
Resident Evil Code Veronica.
Power Stone.
Sonic Adventure.
Space Channel 5.
>Launch Dreamcast mini with 4 games(including Sonic adventure 1&2)
>Wonder why people don't buy it
Calling it now
>PS mini is a huge flop
>release a failed console with no games
Marvel Vs Capcom
Marvel Vs.Capcom 2
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3:Third Strike
But there aren't any good games for dreamcast.
Exactly this.
>Sonic Adventure
>Jet Set Radio
>Crazy Taxi
>Chu Chu Rockets
>SF3: Third Strike
>Resident Evil Code Veronica
Can't wait
Dreamcast had soul. The graphics were amazing at the time it launched. A relic of better days.
I would much rather plug in a PS2 because it has way more games. Dreamcast doesn't have that many good games. It dominated for roughly a year until PS2 launched. The year of Dreamcast was fun. The year 2000.
Most of Zig Forums is too young to remember the Dreamcast.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Dreamcast's quality = quantity ration is about the greatest of any console ever made. Even its shovelware tends to be better than what came before or since.
Would get just for powerstone!
It will launch with Sega Bass Fishing and include the fishing rod controller. It will also include House of the Dead 2 with the gun. It will also include Samba De Amigo with the maracas.
>Jet Set Radio
>Sonic Adventure
>Sega Bass Fishing
>House of the Dead 2
>Samba De Amigo
>Power Stone
>Power Stone 2
>Crazy Taxi
>Marvel VS Capcom
>Marvel VS Capcom 2
>The House of the Dead 2
>Street Fighter 3rd Strike
>Dead or Alive 2
>All the 2K sports games
>Resident Evil Code Veronica
>Space Channel 5
>It will launch with Sega Bass Fishing and include the fishing rod controller.
This much SOUL is illegal in the current year.
I've been wanting a Dreamcast for a while now so I hope it's true. Also hope its easily hackable so I can put all of Capcom's fighting games in it
Is dreamcast emulation advanced enough now to be able to play most games without issues? If not, getting a mini to put extra games on it like with SNES classic would be the main reason to get it.
I mean, if it's literally Dreamcast hardware and not emulation, this would be good. You could finally get a modern moddable Dreamcast with HDMI support
Did they do this with the Saturn? There's some Saturn games I would love to play but emulation is ass
Why do people always ask this question with the dreamcast and n64 classics? While they weren't littered with amazing games, they certainly have enough to put on some meme mini model that collectors will buy regardless.
>but who would play these when they have a system like the switch or the ps5 or the xbox
current gen is really underwhelming. i guess if you're a normie shitter you'd pick the new shit
Very likely they'd put the Xbox collection in there with maybe 1 or 2 "bonus" games. It will bomb, then SEGA will claim they looked at the Dreamcast Mini sales to determine they will never re-enter the hardware market
Thats a long shot but I wonder if the dreamcast mini would sell more than the actual dreamcast.
based retard. enjoy your 380p on a 55 inch OLED TV
How has not a single person put grandia II or Evolution 1 and Evolution 2?
All this trash company can do nowadays are these pathetic nostalgia cash grab trash devices that will just end up in land fills. And they can only do it because they found an open source emulator to rip off.
Loser company that constantly has to go back to the past to relive their 'glory years' since their current years are filled with complete trash games. Yakuza and Sonic is all this Yakuza money laundering front has, and Sonic is a trash spent franchise and Yakuza is getting there.
It'll be shoddy "enhanced ports" of Dreamcast games again won't it?
Exactly. It also shows the likelyhood of it being added to the Dreamcast Mini.
*ring jingle*
>buy used dreamcast
>download game ISO online
>burn image to dvd
>insert the disc in the console
>what's software upscaling
Yeah, because Xbox games are 360 and 480p on Xbox One, retard