What if GTA 6 has a female protagonist.. ?

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Then I don't buy it because I hate women.
Inshallah brothers.

3 characters
1 white chad
1 gay nigger
1 latina oppai

Sounds hot

GTAV already had one though, cause Michael was a bitch.

It would be an even more poorly written character than GTA V's protagonists and Zig Forums wouldn't shut up about it for years

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>what if gta6 were a girl
>posts cholla
>every single time

how do i get a chola gf?

Hopefully, a cute one

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Blood in Blood out, ese.

work in a shoe factory

I don't have high hopes for GTA anymore. Played every 3D entry along with Gay Tony, and even GTA5 was showing a poor sense of direction.

Now RDR1 and RDR2, those are great games.


You want to know how i know you're a childfucker

If it's a cool female protag like Kassandra or Jill then I'm all in!

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Want to know how I know you're a roastie?

I hope you can roleplay as a slut

Someone looking young doesn't means it's a child user, and both of those are adults. Young adults, but adults nonetheless.

Wanna know how I know you're an incel?

You want to know how i know you're a tranny

How will you pick up hookers on the street as a female character though?

One of the Houser brothers stated that the reason they never went with a female protagonist is because females aren't usually part of gangs/criminal organizations.

What if my penis went inside OP's asshole

Call it now:
1 lesbian latina
1 shemale nigga
1 gay whitey
Dropped and NO buy!

She looks like she has an entire tablet in her back pocket. I hope she doesn't break it by sitting on it haha

I would have difficulty believing they included a female protag "just because" and not due to diversity quotas or whatever.

>You want to know how i know you're a childfucker
I think every single person here who is one would openly admit it. You're in the wrong place retard.

I bet she wears whitey tightys

I still wouldn't play it
I hated 4 and 5
No way will I touch 6

if shes 16 its legal in my country, it was great before the pandemic, go to a bar, see cute girl, ask age. Its legal. Take her home and fuck. Then lead her on for weeks while fucking her then repeating the process when I get bored.
tldr; Eastern Europe is Based.

could be cool, is she is written not like any of gta5 characters

it's time for a black female protagonist

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Be handsome and be willing to drink Mexican beers and eat menudo on Sundays.

As long as she's hot and pretty..

>1 lesbian latina
that could be alright though

Be white

jewish scum, gross

of course

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Yes because bad girls are hot.

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They're both caked with makeup, crooked nose, fake eyebrows. Always look at the eyebrows, the eyebrows is what expresses emotions, you want them naturally filled and thick without the makeup, for all you sex havers in the threads you know the feeling when you wake up the next day and you see the girl with the makeup off and you see the disgusting sperm shaped thin line where their eyebrows should be, not good, not good at all.

Pic is of my girlfriend, she doesn't use any makeup, naturally and classically beautiful.


forgot my pic

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>coomer mods

I do say, I would copulate with these choco foxes.

But that's a man...

Have you not played GTA 5? GTA 6 will have an ugly negrress, a tranny from San Fierro, and an illegal spic; all fighting to take down the ebil nazi Drumpf the tRump because he's not pro pedophilia. And there'll be no singleplayer, it'll log you straight into multiplayer. You're going to need 6,000,000 GTA$ to buy that Banshee, bud.

sounds like a kino team


I'd only play it if she was a little girl.


I don't care if its a boy or a girl. Ass long as the character is well written.

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