Famitsu Sales

[NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo, 03/20/20) – 36,495 (5,790,577)
[NSW] Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Nintendo, 09/18/20) – 34,282 (308,221)
[NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo, 10/18/19) – 33,156 (1,635,341)
[NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 12,270 (3,196,495)
[PS4] Crash Bandicoot: It’s About Time (Activision, 10/02/20) – 10,437 (New)
[NSW] Pokemon Sword / Shield (The Pokemon Company, 11/15/19) – 7,416 (3,752,771)
[NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo, 12/07/18) – 6,168 (3,843,036)
[NSW] Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics (Nintendo, 06/05/20) – 6,143 (397,338)
[NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 5,901 (1,518,168)
[PS4] eFootball PES 2021 Season Update (Konami, 09/17/20) – 5,492 (41,488)

Switch – 66,157 (12,728,671)
Switch Lite – 24,936 (2,699,938)
PlayStation 4 – 6,097 (7,654,172)
New 2DS LL (including 2DS) – 1,538 (1,741,656)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 442 (1,574,451)
New 3DS LL – 30 (5,888,638)
Xbox One X – 13 (20,847)
Xbox One S – 12 (93,570)

Attached: 1580297478133.png (1280x853, 89.48K)

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But.. but you told me Xbox was back guys?


Holy shit Crash 4 flopped.

This is boring. We all know Switch and its games are going to be dominating the charts until the PS5 and SeX are out. So, let's predict the PS5 and SeX first week sales, and how much it's going to drop off by its 2nd-3rd week instead.

>Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo, 03/20/20) – 36,495 (5,790,577)
Almost 6 million in one country...

Crash is mostly popular in Europe and US. Nips is firmly Mario.

why is this board obsessed with what japan buys?
Are you mentally ill? This reddit tier obsession with following Japanese trends is cult like.

Crash got BTFO by Mario again.

Attached: 20200209_084638.jpg (2031x1440, 767.55K)

Crash 4 bombed. Hope you fags don’t complain anymore when you fags are asking for platformers and old Ip’s to return when you don’t even buy the games

Based on the most recent estimate of Japan's population which is roughly 126476461 people, that means that roughly 4.5% of the population has bought Animal Crossing. This is assuming that all sold copies went to one person, and stayed in the country.

Because they're the main developers of video games and the second biggest market in the world. Do you even know anything about video games at all?

Based off the pre-orders on Amazon, I bet the gap between the PS5 and XSX will be a whole lot closer than they were 7 years ago. Sony has the advantage of being native of GRORIOUS NIPPON, but they seem to stupidly be trying to throw that away, while Microsoft is actively pandering to weebs and otakus, and it seems to be paying off, to an extent.

Attached: meta-chart.jpg (1200x800, 66.96K)

I learned my lesson with Medievil

>why is Zig Forumsintendogaf obsessed with the sales numbers of the only country where nintendo sells
gee I dunno

Customers are developers now?
Are you retarded. No this is just obsession

You realize those are Japanese sales, don't you?

Attached: muhnintendogaf.webm (910x660, 2.86M)

Xbox will never ever be popular in Japan.

>almost a month and SM3DAS still hasn't reached the week one sales of Odyssey
For once, Japan showing some fucking restraint. Good to see them not fall too hard for FOMO bullshit like the American fans did.

Because they release their sales number weekly while other countries either release their numbers on a monthly basis, or just don't release their numbers at all.

>Customers are developers now?

Attached: 1592251935458.jpg (374x347, 38.64K)

>[NSW] Pokemon Sword / Shield (The Pokemon Company, 11/15/19) – 7,416 (3,752,771)
I fucking hate life

Attached: 1529270485301.png (200x273, 34.58K)

Then I hope PC does. SOMEBODY needs to put Sony in their place.

So if Japan is the only place where Nintendo stuff sells, where does the rest of the 60 million Switch units sold come from?

user, Nintendo is thoroughly kicking Sony's ass in Japan, so I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

>[NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo, 10/18/19) – 33,156 (1,635,341)

Rest of the world. Those global sales are a joke compared to the PS4's 110+ million.

But the PS4 is still where they go to play titles that would cook the Switch, not to mention games from three particular devs that still treat that platform as first-class, if not make their games completely exclusive, that being Atlus, Vanillaware, and Falcom.

65 Million units sold in less than half of the time frame of the PS4 isn't a joke user

I wonder if you'll keep saying this when PS5 comes out and sells another 100 million before the switch hits that mark


TPC will be content shitting out disappointing pieces of software, telling Nintendo that their hardware is going to flop, and still manage to gain goodwill from lapsed fans due to garbage like the Gotcha video.

The numbers will speak for themselves, no need to make dumb console war faggotry

if you don't want console war faggotry, don't make the same console war thread every week

I didn't make this thread, also since when is famitsu threads console war threads?


Ever since Sony abandoned Japan and Switch utterly dominated the charts.


sonybros... not like this...


>since when is famitsu threads console war threads
who the fuck are you trying to fool here, be honest