I'm hyped as fuck for '77, but the juxtaposition between the teaser trailer's visuals, depicting a cyber-psycho, having her glass-enamelled face be grazed by a bullet, and splinter into shards, and the recent gone-gold graphic of the Keanu Reeves grinning and holding up a disc is pretty comical.
I know tonal differences in promotional material doesn't always translate into the actual product
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Not grinning. Smirking. Don't care, still buying CP.
That first "teaser" was just early concept art that at this point has been thankfully discarded.
All the renders and models shown so far look like a cheap porn game. Literally worse than Witcher 3.
That's what you get for hiring western hacks, trannies and women.
You fucking incel do you even know what concept art is? Fucking armchair developer. I'm concept artist, lol btw.
First teaser was made by Platige Image, that company had full creative control for it, because CDPRED are talentless fuck and had no idea how this world should look.
Thankfully? Why so?
>still buying CP
someone call the FBI
the first trailer was little more than a announcement that they where working on it and a recruitment video
>Whats 3d concept art
Thats cute you doodle and think you can call yourself an artist
That CG trailer was beautiful though. It hinted a wonderful, sleazy, haunting atmosphere that's hard to even describe. Everything I've seen since then has had a totally different vibe, closer to "GTA in the future". Maybe that's what it was always going to be and Platige Image got the wrong idea, but now I can't help but compare the game to it, and it seems to come up short.
>People still whining about the Teaser trailer
Jesus christ get the fuck over it
>t-the people responsible for this went to make ruiner!!
>go play that
>realize its shit
>back to whining about 2077
and the cycle continues
It was soulless reddit garbage
The new version of the game looks infinitely better, shill
Why don't you take some initiative and call them yourself?
when the E3 trailer came out like 2 years ago i basically completely lost interest
everything since then has made the game look shittier desu
>pretending to be sane
cute new strategy, schizo
This, only low iq reddit zoomers are looking forward to it. I sense mass disappointment after launch
>cute new strategy, schizo
527747921 says, to a dead thread, to no one, but hey, you used the funny word. Here's some Reddit gold, kind stranger.
i laughed at that one i really did, thanks user : ---- DD
shut up, nigger.
You mean like they have shown us multiple times?
I'm sure it'll still have some impressive sights but the general look and feel of the game is substantially different. Go watch the recent trailers like "the gig" or gangs, and tell me it doesn't look more like GTA than anything else.
I don't remember ANY GTA ever looking like this.
Don't care. I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077.
Shut the fuck up ADD ridden Zoomer trash.
The first was their idea of Cyberpunk before they dug in, the second after iteration, years of research, actually talking with the man who wrote the books, etc. Reeves holding the disc also represents a real character from the universe in Johnny Silverhand who is canonical while the girl was basically their fanfiction do not steal. We'll have to see if the game they thought they were gonna make, the idea of it is better than what they made when it comes out. Are you hoping it fails user?
Marketing trailers are usually bombastic because moody shots and other slow paced stuff is "boring" for normalfags.
Case in point
anyone who fell for the concept art trailer from back then is just a retarded coomer who has no idea what cyberpunk is.
These threads literally boil down to
>Why doesn't Cyberpunk 2077 a sequel to Cyberpunk 2020 look like Bladerunner?
What we have ended up getting is soulless garbage.
Shazam-sama please show these fools their place
Looks pretty soulful to me.
remember how shazam's first point is that there's no night time in night city? FUCKING KEK, LMFAO
the screenshot that killed OP and every anti cdpr shill