>"Gordon, quick while the suppression field is down you must impregnate my daughter. Fuck my daughter Gordon. Gordon, you must fuck my daughter. Do it Gordon!"
what did Eli mean by this?
"Gordon, quick while the suppression field is down you must impregnate my daughter. Fuck my daughter Gordon. Gordon...
No way fag
probably just wanted grandkids and for them to have scientist genes
Gman fired Gordon because Gordon was under Vortigaunt protection for liberating them
She's not my type
the vorts knew it was time to press their advantage against the combine rather than let gman put gordon in his cuckcage for another 20 years, allowing gordon to get the codes or whatever from the citadel and close the portal
I wonder what gman's original plan was if the vorts hadn't saved gordon
This is my last request gordon, impregnate my daughter, have sex with her, make her bear your kids!
>Gets retconned
pshhh no way fag
Would you Zig Forums?
4000-5000 yrs ago, many cultures (Chinese, Sumarian, European) had evolved w written languages, laws, currency etc. NOT AFRICA, their education & domestication only began a few hundred years ago when "the boats" carried them to civilized lands, so it's only natural that you see this animalistic behavior, they've not evolved or advanced - call it a genetic defect. This is why prisons are over 65% black, laws are not biased.