Is this SOUL or SOULLESS, Zig Forums?

Is this SOUL or SOULLESS, Zig Forums?

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That’s pretty cool.

>According to the magazine, all weapon attacks and magic spells will have "different sensations through the adaptive triggers" and parries will be felt through haptic feedback. Even pulling levers and opening gates will result in different sensations.

Novel stuff that serves as a tech demo and won't be utilized outside of choice first parties.

Sounds a lot like the touchpad of the ps4 controller, an interesting concept that will be used for one or two games and then completely abandoned a year later with no developers ever using it.

>that sensation when using the scraping spear cause your asshole to tingle

this just sounds like how they hyped up the vibration function of dualshock almost 20 years ago.

>X1 has triggers that vibrate heavily
>Sony and Nintendies kids complain

>Nintendo adds special rumble that just uses more motors
>Sony adds more motors now too

Does this change or enhance the gameplay in any way? If not, it's pure fluff like MORE PIXELS.

What will soul sucker feel like, bros?

vibration is kino

It will be forced like Vita front/back touch for first parties

or Touchpad for ps4

or Sixaxis for ps3

Adaptive triggers are not rumble, xcuck.

More pixels matters. Except with console kid with their chinese 4k 48 inch tv and their ps5 that can only do 28fps at 1440p.

Prove it. I know there will only be 1-2 games that ever use this and it will be tossed aside like pointed out. Deal with it, Xbots have you beat by 7 years. It is a waste of money on bad tech for you idiots to be distracted by.

Good feedback from the controller can make a huge difference in how games feel to me. I hope this all actually makes a difference and isn’t just marketing speak

Dragonbone Smasher with the controller on my prostate.

>Prove it.
Prove what?

Peak soul

Adaptive triggers in the L2 and R2 buttons will offer levels of resistance while gaming. Examples of this in action include the tension when pulling a bow string before firing an arrow and being able to differentiate between the feel of a machine gun and a shotgun. In Arkane's Deathloop, it will block the trigger when your weapon jams.
How is this the same thing as xbox adding rumble motors to triggers?

The touchpad was actually used in most games not as a touchpad but as four different buttons, and they're not scraping it for this gen.

I loved the rear touchpad on the vita, it was great for custom bindings.

>[New console gimmick] will be integral to the experience
Every single gen they spout the same lies and people still eat it up. I'm so tired of this shit.

Childish gimmicks, don't care.

Sounds cool, but let's be honest. No developer outside of Sony will use it.
Remember the touch pad on the PS4 and the light? Useless gimmicks.

I can't wait for 5 years in the future when these games feel so odd and unique for having it after every game ditches it 2-3 years in. Just like launch PS4 games loving the DS4 light and touchscreen before becoming a big select button

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It's just HD Rumble again

But it literally isn't rumble. Think of it as an adaptive spring. The idea is that you either feel like you're touching mommy's milkies or the resistance of bowstring. You aren't shaking them like a retard.

... mommy would be sad if you did.

It’s impossible to “Recapture” the original soul so they have to create their own soul.

I cachinnate

Rumble has always been soulless and a worthless addition to controllers.