Other urls found in this thread:
Nice teeth
Would brush
That's not bad, they could have done a bit more with the nose, but 8/10
>Short hair
She looks like a chink now
Worst mileena design ever?
She is a clone of Katana, who is Chinese or something.
shes so fucking ugly holy shit
Ten’s ugly lips are worse
>Mileena teaches you how to brush your teeth as her friendship move
They wouldn't, r-right?
As ugly as Chinktana. Fuck MK11 and fuck Boon.
Are those.. b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--b--b-b--b-b--b-bb-b-bb-b--b-b--b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b BOOBIES????
looks like they just lazily slapped on a mouth texture over a normal face instead of modeling the jaw to actually incorporate her toothy mouth
Holy shit, not even the designated fan-service character gets to look good, what's the point?
^ this
Why'd they add Jeff The Killer on MK11?
>those bulimic arms
They really don't know what to do with their designs. Those characters look different in every game...
Also this
Yeah ok but why does she have man face?
MK9 superior design
Jesus Christ...Even the MKX design was better. What the fuck?
We went from wearing a bandage in mk9 to this.
Her upper facial features look oriental. I like her actually. Good costume, nice face.
Downgraded as fuck
Kitana is not even from Earth...
>worse hair
>worse outfit
>worse upper face
>mouth is subjective
Did mouthbros wish on a monkey's paw?
she 's ugly as shit what the fuck, she looks like some femcel girl who smells like fish and cat shit, she's so fucking basic
how are any of you excited for this, it shits on every previous design, her teeth are the only good thing about her, the rest of it is terrible
Where do you get this shit taste??? Seriously, show me some pics of someone you find attractive, I think you need help
*licks you*
The teeth and tongue are great, but seriously, show me a pic of some 3dpd you find attractive, you need to be judged
I warned you all about wanting Mileeena in XI, but you wouldn't listen. No, you thought Sindel was a sign that we were getting hot girls in general.
>finally fixes her teeth
>her model is based on some literal 4/10
>her outfit looks like hot trash
>No Ash Williams
>No Pinhead
>No Doomguy
>No Rayne
I think MK girls are just cursed to only have 1 or 2 games where they look good, while looking mediocre in the rest of them