I decided to stop being a secondaryfag, so I've been reading the VN in my free time for the past week. I've only just summoned Saber. For the entire sequence from Lancer showing up at Shirou's home, to him fleeing after failing to kill Saber, I did an experiment, where I rewrote everything I read, but concisely, while maintaining all the important theming. Most of the time two "pages" could be condensed down to a single sentence. In particularly dense pages, one page could only be cut down to two sentences.
Didn't they used to get paid by the word, or was that later companies?
Dominic Williams
1. why the fuck are you doing experiments instead of just reading it for fun 2. that's just how vns are, especially fate stay night which is notoriously lengthy 3. who gives a shit
David Hall
a lot of writers in general do that. it's typically what decides if you'll read the book in 2-3 sittings or if it's gonna lie on your night desk for 3 months.
Hunter Walker
From a character perspective its because people tend to ramble when thinking to themselves about things, and your essentially just getting shirou's unfiltered thoughts
Luke Bennett
Because it's literature OP, even if it's eastern smut literature. Most books could be trimmed to a tenth of their size if they just got to the point in a straightforward manner.
>I decided to stop being a secondaryfag Any reason why? You gamblingfags already won. FGO bullshit already owns the soul of Type-Moon and I have no idea what good is it to you to get to know the original lore when it's pretty much irrelevant at this point.
Dylan Nguyen
Welcome to reading a book/VN.
Leo Hughes
Because a VN is both a video game and a piece of literature, which means it has a certain prose intended by the author, not just concise explanations.
Jace Ross
>VN >video game
Oliver Ortiz
First time?
No not with a VN, but with any book since they all can be condensed to a bare minimum. Though they would rarely turn out to be good doing that.
Storytelling is all about revealing information in a particular way. If you think books should be replaced with their equivalent CliffsNotes, you're probably not ready for fiction.
Benjamin James
FSN was the VN that made me hate long VNs. I enjoyed it until like halfway through, then it just became tiring. Especially since I went for every bad end too to collect stamps. It would have been a much better read if it was half the length.
Matthew Mitchell
t. brainlet
Josiah Mitchell
At least you didn’t read the Zero VN first
Matthew Hill
Because Shirou has autism
Nolan Howard
>what good is it to you to get to know the original lore when it's pretty much irrelevant at this point
You have to be delusional to not think FSN's main lore, well more its plot, isn't important as shit. There has been "the rules you thought were rules aren't the true rules" but that's standard type-moon especially with how thinking for a second you realise the person telling you the rules doesn't know it all or could easily be lied to.
Kirei - "Yes Rin servants are totally prone to just turning traitor to their master if they want to, it totally doesn't require incompitable personalities, betraying them or abusing them even for the most selfish of them let alone the knights often summoned. I could barely control a servant for a day let alone years like lets say a decade."
Isaac Edwards
Nasu is pretty descriptive and at times verbose in his writing. When you add the fact that you're a reading translation from a decade ago, parts of it sound will sound awkward.
Dylan Johnson
>one page could only be cut down to two sentences user, one page of text does not mean one page of events. The text is long because it needs to set the tone, stage, ... in order to immerse you into the story. I'll be honest tho, the Saber route is boring to read so good luck with that.
Colton Watson
Because the Japanese are unable to write a story with nuance. Everything must be explained and explained again until no uncertainties remain, and the reader must be hand held at all times. You see this in almost all of their media, and once you start seeing it, you'll be unable to stop.
It's boring shit. Don't bother. Couldn't even bring myself to finish the Saber route.
James Gonzalez
Fate Stay Night and Tsukihime were both incredibly boring like a kid that can't shut up about his favourite DBZepisode, I read them both and the most exciting part was when my brother started doing a photo search and almost stumbled into a picture of Arcueid giving you a blowjob
Tyler Lewis
Japanese speaker here. I can explain.
1. Nasu always was an amateur writer who started writing these stories in high school. 2. These VNs are written as verbosely as possible to give the buyer the sense of more "value" per yen spent. 3. Type Moon was an indie company so they didn't have any extra staff for editing or directing. FSN was a very bootstrapped project.
Connor Ramirez
>t. Someone who has only experienced/watched translations of pop culture media
It's like different cultures have different story telling conventions - and tv/video game writing is bottom of the barrel in any language.
Jacob Peterson
That's most VN's in a nutshell in my experience.
Ethan Thomas
>reading anything with (((bisexual))) representation Why?